Nephilim Behaviour


The nephilim bear the race memory of their elders, but otherwise show strong human inclinations as well, and tend to go to extremes of behaviour in each of their lives.

How would one spot one of the nephilim among us? Though they are called giants, that is not really a literal description. They tend to run more along the lines of how the Celts described the Fomorian people, bearing unusual physical traits and an unusual and strangely impassioned cunning, sort of hyperactive minds to go with their physical differences. The physical differences aren’t always what humans would see as grotesque. Some are seen as too normal looking. So normal looking it actually looks weird. Some possess a sort of unearthly beauty.

Almond eyes, pointy ears? Yes, though the points would be understated. But without exceptions they display quirks of body language.

I’ve noticed a new trend of unusually wide spaced eyes. Those are a specific ethnic group among the nephilim.

Their body language is never what we might call natural. It tends to be stiff, too controlled, or if fluid then strangely round about. They move in a way that makes it hard to read their intentions or mood. This isn’t deception. They are just not speaking the same body language. It’s not as animal, if you will.

As if they were holding and drive the body wrong? Exactly.

Like trying to understand Japanese anime. Bloody nose means your horny… what? That’s a good metaphor. That is anime. It is a little off topic, but still illustrates what a symbolic and conceptual split would be like.

Unlike a popular cultural trend in some circles, the nephilim will not truly lay claim to being anything other than human. They will show an instinctive anxiety at the suggestion that they are different.

Nephilim also show a strange understanding of the world around them. They typically show moments of confusion like they don’t recognize what they are looking at, followed by what would seem to be weird, even random behaviour according to human standards which actually winds up making perfect sense after the fact. Kind of like someone listening to an activity in another room and being able to anticipate it means something is coming to their space. This is why they so often seem almost prophetic. It doesn’t really have anything to do with seeing the future.

READ:  Descendents Of The Elders

They’re looking at spirit also? Yes, actually, but not what people would consider the higher celestial spheres. Their understanding tends to revolve more around the behaviour of matter, including animal matter.

Ghosts and auras and impressions from people? Yes. They are often naturally in touch with that shadow around the earth that people consider the ghostly realm, or instead of shadow if you prefer, echo. This is why those in that realm have their voices show up in electronic voice phenomena (evp). It’s simply a quantum echo. A nephilim hears these voices in the ionosphere, storms, things like that.

Your thoughts are welcome. Be well friends.

Travis Saunders
Dragon Intuitive

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63 responses to “Nephilim Behaviour”

  1. timothy criss Avatar
    timothy criss

    What if you no someone with all those traits do they no what they are here for.

    1. Travis Avatar

      That understanding comes under the right trigger condition for that individual.

  2. timothy criss Avatar
    timothy criss

    What if someone you no have those traits .do they no if there one.

    1. Travis Avatar

      No, not necessarily.

  3. coleen wilson Avatar
    coleen wilson

    This article, may I elaborate, was a brief breathe of release,for several reasons encompassing the truth unveiled rather than the usual media rape about my people-the Nephilim. I would be moved should I receive a response to this comment by the author of such an article. The accuracy is slightly abstracted from our demeanor and behaviors,depending much on the lineages which compose the DNA and genetic tendencies toward particular sociological factors and environmental influences. I am not the \\\”Nephilim in denial\\\” who shall covet his or her identity or existence,rather one who has chosen to embrace a harmonious cohabitation with all species. Please return my request to assist in the enlightenment of farther articles or media with a more in depth understanding to fill in many centuries of void that have caused prejudice and shame…to both Nephilims and humans alike.

    1. Dragon Intuitive Avatar
      Dragon Intuitive

      Thanks Coleen, We welcome more material on Nephilims and if you would like to submit an article you can send it to dragonintuitive @

    2. Sheldon Avatar

      Hello your response struck a cord with me are you available to converse by chance


  4. BJ Avatar

    How did you get the chance to sit back and observe and study these individuals?

    1. Travis Avatar

      There is no single individual who manifests all the traits – that I have met. I’ve seen features that correspond to what I’ve described in various individuals, some with a greater prevalence then others.

  5. Robert Avatar

    Also I have heard that you maybe able to know one by looking into their eyes.

  6. Robert Avatar

    I have a theory that the Nephilim of today are descendants of the Norse. Reasoning…. about 25, 000 years ago a mutant gene happened there that created blue eyed people, also these people are taller and bigger than most and concidered beautiful. Just my theory.

    1. Rebellia Rose Avatar

      How much taller and bigger? And I see other traits mentioned regarding blood type, intelligence, natural prowess, etc. Is there anything concrete and factual? I apologize, but I am a webcam model, and serial entrepreneur, activist, writer, poet, etc. During one of my cam shows, someone suggested I was a Nephilim. Unfamiliar with the term, I began to research. The more I read, the more coincidence I find. 5’10”. Maternal Family’s Last Name is Ham. Fraternal is of the Earls Rivers. Hazel eyes. Pale skin. Admittedly a possible “God Complex” derived from many NDE and coming out better than before. Built like an Amazon, and stronger(much stronger) than I look. Told constantly, “there’s just something about you, idk, the way you move, the way you speak, something hard to put my finger on really…”. Which is so unnerving and frustrating. I could go on, but I won’t. Oh, and I practice Wicca. Not new age. Not anything organized, really. Solitary. INTP. Any help would be appreciated.

  7. jenna Avatar

    I have had dreams of calling myself a nephilim and controlling tornadoes and such I have red hair pointed ears and im short but I feel taller when angered ive been told I even look taller like im five seven I also can lift way more than I should like three hundred pounds on a weight bench I am normally five two my.blood type is rh negative just wondering if having prophetic dreams are also part of being a nephilim

  8. Rubicante Avatar

    This article is acurate enough. I read then wondered wow, there are humans that know about us. I appreciate this article; it is a breath of fresh air. Thank you for knowing and understanding us.

  9. Ra'sheen Avatar

    I can’t believe such libel is allowed. Charlatan.

  10. Dion Avatar

    Why would anyone want to be a Nephilim outside of the “powers” you get. They are nonredeemable.

    1. Solani Avatar

      For what reason would we want as you call it “to be redeemed”?

  11. Laura Lynne Avatar
    Laura Lynne

    Found out I have one of these guys following me around since I came back from a mission trip in Guatemala back in 2013, so I went 17 years without my buddy(had 3 other UFO sightings as a kid). I know it’s the 3/4s kind & that I’m the 7(it’s the 6) & I was wondering if their was much of a difference between the personality/physical traits of the soul numbers 19 & 20? So far though, this article has pegged him, just from all of the dreams I’ve seen & messages received. Thank you for this beautiful insight!! & @Jenna I’m O+ blood type & I have intense prophetic dreams often but you may/may not have some Nephilim in your lineage, just from what I’ve read online.

  12. Gary Ellis Avatar
    Gary Ellis

    You just may have explained somethings to me that I have wondered about for quite awhile. I am 69 years old and have known I was illegitimate since I was 18. My mother told me his name and I thought it was Irish because she said he had red hair. About two years ago one night I googled his name and up popped a very extensive genealogy of his family all the way back to Wales. It seems my 8th great grandfather was Rowland Ellis born in Wales 1650. He came to America to escape religious persecution as a Quaker and I looked even further and found he was related to Llewelyn the Great of Wales. Llewelyn was married to Joan illegitimate daughter of King John Lackland King of England Plantagenet. I think that makes me Dragon line.

  13. Solani Avatar

    The descendants of the Nephilim and/or Watchers have always been here waiting and watching from the sidelines… Some of us are very well aware of what they/we are and have been aware for as long as we can remember. Others (more and more) are now “waking up”. Unfortunately, many of the sleepers that are awakening have no idea what is going on and are not able to find anyone that can help them understand what is going on with them on a spiritual/mental level. The world as they are experiencing it makes little or no sense to them and they feel that their “unusual/not normal to them” changing thought-patterns are intrusive and must be stopped in order to be able to function and fit in to today’s society of what is considered to be “normal”. Many become caught up in the psyche system and are medicated, thinking they are crazy somehow. Sadly, others live out their lives in mental institutions…

    1. Ari Avatar

      Thanks for this comment. Was helpful and I’m glad someone else knows about the suffering. We are very close to “God” however and god seems to have a lot of compassion for us.

  14. Ck Avatar

    I fit the discription. So what am I suppose to do with this information. I’m have no evil intent. People like my ears. Ppl Call me a seer but I don’t claim to be as such. They only feel uncomfortable on occasion not being able to read me. I’m not sure any more relevant info exists. Am I right? What ever we are we are adoptable by God as I have read it.

    1. Isabel.the.Gargoyle Avatar

      It’s more about whether or not we re-adopt God. I recently came to the understanding of my indigo 3 status (I have two souls in my body; one Oraphim and one Nephilim as part of a soul contract of polarity/DNA rehabilitation) and during a vision quest my nephilim half came forth and asked to come back into the light and it was received. It is absolutely possible to reverse not only the spiritual banishment, but fully heal the DNA template when allegiance and alignment with Source/God is made sincerely. I’ve always felt like I was two different people at once who were near polar opposites and it’s been a rollercoaster ride to put it lightly. Just having the understanding of who and what you are has a huge domino effect. Keep researching this topic and more understanding will follow. And if you want to try to heal some of the fallen DNA, look into Kathara healing and keylontic science.

  15. Shari Avatar

    I’m sorry to inform people on this thread. Nephilims are very rare. There are only three left in the world.

    1. King Longo Avatar
      King Longo

      And they are?

    2. Idunn Avatar

      1- How do you know that and why should we trust your word on this?
      2- Who are those three?

    3. Ari Avatar

      I don’t know what your source is of this intimate knowledge but it sounds very contrived and I feel as if you are negating actual experiences that beings like us go through. My life has been lonely and hellish and I knew such deep secrets of this universe from an early age. It was an intrinsic knowledge.i loved God also and had no spiritual upbringing
      I’ve been tested and done penance for my whole life and suffered so so sensitive to negativity or sin that I hardly talk to anyone and I have prophetic dreams which come true. It’s not an easy life so please do not just comment on stuff if you don’t understand.

      1. Isabel.the.Gargoyle Avatar

        In response to @Shari, even if many people here are not full Nephilim, many people here on the planet right now are type 3 Indigos who incarnated with two souls in one embodiment (one Oraphim soul and one Nephilim, in order to safely rehabilitate the fallen genetic codes of the Nephilim who desired to heal and return to Source). Much of the same characteristics in this article would apply to type 3 indigos.

  16. yokkie Avatar

    in my dreams God said…Why do us people lose our faith in times of problem? And we tend to embrace evil? Even if he is just testing us?!

    1. yokkie Avatar

      In my dreams there is always something supernatural and evil….since i was little they are always chasing me…Now im a teenager…they are always in my dreams….i see some of them sometimes…They are times that … if i focus myself through things if im alone…it moves.

  17. Ari Avatar

    I have spent years wondering who or what I am. Was labelled crazy as a 19 year old and have been running away from fallen angels since I was 6 years old. It’s been scary but I never give in to them and I could lift the veil at the age of 9 with ease. The fallen angels used to Alex ask me if I “wanted in”.i would get into a rage and swear and curse them as I’m loyal to The great spirit. I’ve seen so much crazy stuff it’s mind boggling and I’ve made enemies and I was hunted by the mafia last year because I took on one of them. They ended up afraid of me, thank God and I’m still alive at 46 years old. All the weird dreams and psychic abilities were a mystery to myself as well. I’ve only just worked it all out recently and I wish I knew others like me. It’s so lonely. I’ve met some actual full angels but they were bad and even though we got on, I don’t want trouble with the creator. I’ve only ever met two angels. They were both very secretive but it was obvious, and they both helped me get out of a very sticky situation. I am so alone in my life.

  18. Ari Avatar

    Id like to say one more thing. I’ve been fighting a great evil for my whole adult life. I think it comes from a being called Krishna. It’s incredibly odd. I’ve “played chess ” with this being many times. I always win. He now leaves me in peace. He is immature and he has the ability to send people crazy and kills them. I don’t know why I’ve had to fight him. He hates Christ and wanted redemption and I was told he lied to start a war in the Mahabharata and was banished from God’s kingdom. I don’t know who tells me things, but it’s all very specific and I’ve been told other things as well about Nazi Germany and that they killed angels in human bodies and did tests on them which were absolutely so horrific. These enemies of the angels still exist today.

  19. David Avatar

    Thank you very much for this article. I have known of my angelic orgins for a while now and have experienced outer worldly, heavenly, and hellish things in my life simultaneously to experiencing an earth life. I have communicated with alot of entities and been given alot of insight on to who I am from many. It has been a very crazy journey for the last 7 years but so far I have learned that I am the nephilim of Lucifer. If one would ever like to talk and get to know my tale or if maybe another has knowledge they would like to share, I am very open and very loving. I would love to listen or speak either is fine with me. Thank you again author for your article. You are one of those respondsible for helping me find what all this means for there has been so much confusion through out my life. I remember being conscious as an adult at the age of 5 and then spent 15 conscious years in Hell. I went down the levels which shaped my behavior a little as it was going on. Eventually I reached a point where everytime I closed my eyes i was just forever progressing in a place that was only getting darker and darker and darker. Like it wasnt black, it was pure darkness and somehow it would instantly in the next progressing moment get even darker. it was realer than the reality I was experiencing and all the hellish feelings I was experiencing began fading to a very strong loneliness of being void of all love and light. Eventually I learned it was free will for the pursuit of understanding this place and feeling for all so that I could come back to teach those the meaning of suffering and that we always have a choice not to suffer, even if we quote unquote, deserve to suffer. The moment you feel bad, you are forgiven.

    1. Kennedy Bailey Avatar
      Kennedy Bailey

      “The moment you feel bad, you are forgiven”. This really sticks with me, because out of all the bad/wrong things you’ve done in your life, you could ask God for forgiveness and he forgets your wrongs and knows them no more. If you’d like to talk I am here. I find it very intriguing that you are a nephilim of Lucifer. I on the other hand have no clue whether I am a nephilim or not, my insight is right below yours, but if I am a nephilim this is life changing for me and it will effect everyone around me. People like you are very beautiful creatures all here for a different purpose, just like Earth Angels who were sent here to learn and to heal others and won’t return home until their task is completed. But like I said I’ve read your insight it is very intriguing. Can you please read mine?

    2. Jeff Avatar

      I would like to talk with you. How do we accomplish this?

    3. Parker Avatar

      hello, I also believe I am a Nephalim and I have a certain kind of “Luciferian karma” in this life – a Pleiadian channel I know of once said that many old souls of Sirius are here to become beautiful male teachers in these times and being that Lucifer or “Enki” is originally from the Sirius star constellation this makes sense as the Nephalim are often children of fallen angels (rebellious nature of Sirian seeds) – I have also been through very strange and hellish experiences and would love to hear more if you are open to sharing –

    4. Serafina Avatar

      I would love to know more about your views on why you believe you are from a Nephilim associated with Lucifer. I’m very interested in hearing from you.

  20. Kennedy Bailey Avatar
    Kennedy Bailey

    i noticed some things on this page that sound very similar to me, I’m almost 18 and I started experiencing intensified and strange dreams when I was 15, of places I’ve never been nor seen, and it would be like that for about 5-6 days then stop and then every once in awhile it would start back up again. it was like i was a different person in my dreams someone that i knew was me but it wasn’t. I am able to see auras around people even when i’m at church, i see auras around everybody in the choir even the pastor. I’ve been judged, bullied, an put down throughout my whole life because i feel like nobody can except me for who I am but God. I suffer from depression and anxiety, there were times I wanted to kill myself because of people being judgmental and bullying. I never did end up doing such a thing because I’m sitting here typing all this out, but I’m really curious as to if I am a nephilim, and if I am what do I do? Because I already feel like I’m doomed to hell.

  21. Alyssa Avatar

    This is all very interesting. I see that you people are very close in the “religious” factor. I would like to know how you got all of your information, and how I would be able to do the same. I read this book called “hush, hush” and it was telling me that Fallen Angels can have children called Nephilim. They, too, could have children, but I forgot their what they are called. They spoke of a book called The Book of Enoch. I look it up online and saw that it was true. I would like to know more, but I don’t have any reliable information. Since I read that you have had encountered a lot of Fallen Angels and real Angel, I would like to know if you could ask them if that was true.

    Thank you.

    1. Isabel.the.Gargoyle Avatar

      Alyssa, if you’d like to know more about the greater context of things, my sources for information on this and related topics is as follows:
      – a YouTube channel called Ascension Knowledge, it’s the series of lectures by Ashayana Deane on REAL ancient human history and occult (hidden) science
      – Black Earth Productions (YouTube)
      – IndigoAngel (YouTube)
      – Leak Project (YouTube)

      Those are a few places to start and go from there.

      Good luck on your quest for knowledge ??

  22. Jo Avatar

    Iv had a lot of weird and depressing things happen to me when I was very young and still to this day I just know that I feel so alone no matter what, iv suffered through loneliness because I know that I do not belong here I was told that my bloodline is ancient which directed me to this article because I was searching for awnsers for awhile as to why I feel so different then the rest of the people out there. Anyways when I was 16 this dream of mine came out of nowhere which kepted me asleep till 2-3 in the afternoon it felt like I was in a raging battle against demons of all kinds I can’t remember what I fought them with but I still don’t understand what that dream meant and have been searching for some awnsers but still can’t find any…… hopefully you can help me better understand.

    1. SS Avatar

      Spiritual battles are real, but when you are a child of God and follower of Christ, you get to be protected, and God fights them for you, and he has already won.

      As for always depressed – the joy of the Lord is my strength. Perhaps look into a name change too –

      Finally, food (and hormones) are beyond important. Being some small fasts, cut out gluten and dairy and check what else you might be sensitive to. Return to only veggies and meat for at least one meal per day until you know what you’re sensitive to, and have experience fasting.. xo

  23. The Real Israel Avatar
    The Real Israel

    Very interesting, the article and the comments. Some of what was mentioned is things I’ve found out through investigating this over time. Since we seem to have self aware Nephilim here I will say this…. Just as the Nephilim are starting to realize who they are, so is the true lost tribes of ISRAEL. Namely the “black/African” people sold and sent out into the 4 corners of the Earth into our final slavery through the Trans Atlantic Slave trade(Read Deuteronomy Chapter 28 verses 15-68). Big things are coming soon from all of this.

    To those of you who are “white” looking at the Nephilim commentators here oddly, I would say don’t be so quick to judge especially since they are actually your family. the Bloond/Blues and Red Heads are just 2 tribes of many tribes of Nephilim. One of many tale tale signs is the white skin that burns under the light of Earths Sun. Its not a terrestrial trait, its passed down from your ancient fathers the fallen angels of old. Remember 200 Angels descended on Mt. Hermon as stated in the book of Enoch. From Each you got a line of Nephilim tribes that then mixed further with black Isrealites from the tribe of Dan, Egyptions, and black Hammites, etc. after all of this mixing and yet more mixing after the flood, we are left with what you call “Caucasian” today as the main lines followed by the Asains, and many other slightly darker but similar people around the Earth.

  24. Kaleb William Ramsey Avatar
    Kaleb William Ramsey

    lol this amuses me just wait till the wars break loose the famine destroys food the diseases run rampant through the streets killin/ enslaving all those who bear the mark on his hands or forehead lol it is only the beginning for the main event hasn’t even started yet

  25. Kaleb William Ramsey Avatar
    Kaleb William Ramsey

    The end is near I sense something dark, very dark things are going to begin happening

  26. Jessica Avatar

    Knowing this gives me more understanding as to why Jesus was sent down to be sacrificed for our salvation….God knows that most of his children are tainted with this blood…yet in spite of this we are still children made in the image of God we are his seed and when Lucifer knew how to corrupt God’s creation, of coarse he took the opportunity to do that. Without that sacrifice we would all suffer the same fate as Lucifer and the fallen ones….our dna or aka seed was manipulated so of course we all have the embodiment of sin but that was pure manipulation. Of course when eve was tempted by the serpent we became separated from God’s divine protection and thus when the fallen angels could have relations with humans and that basically we all have a chance to have fallen angel DNA…the flood didn’t work….God knew that he still loves his creation to the point that he sent Jesus who’s blood is pure enough to use for our salvation…it makes perfect sense! So those who feel condemned by relating to these similar features please don’t! God really does love every single human being regardless of tainted blood or not! The law of Moses was done away with and the new covenant is to love God with all your heart and other humans and to believe that Jesus paid you with his perfect blood!

  27. billy Avatar

    How about they just want to be left alone.

  28. Johnson Avatar

    had dreams I was protecting a blue orb. Which is
    The color of God. Been woken up to the feeling
    Of hands trying to pull my soul out my body.
    I know I’m unique.

    1. Justin Avatar

      Uhhh this is eerily similar to a very vivid dream
      I had a couple years back. Could you elaborate on
      Your dream if you dont mind? I know I’m late.

  29. Guilherme Camargo Avatar
    Guilherme Camargo

    I usually see creatures that I know that they are not human like. Sometimes I feel a shiver on my spine and then I hear drums. Also in my family, we have a historic of visions that came true. My birth was an occurance of those dreams. I would like to know if there is any chance that I am an nephelim descendent.

  30. Gary Ellis Avatar
    Gary Ellis

    I am colorblind. Not the usual Red and Green but Blue and Yellow like my father was. Only 1 in 10,000 have this. I can’t remember the name of what it’s called but it has a name. I found this out when they wanted to draft me for Vietnam but my wife was pregnant and they didn’t want to take a married guy with a kid so they passed on me. I haven’t thought about the color blindness since then because it really doesn’t bother me but recently there was a colt blindness test on the Internet and I took it two or three times. Blues and yellows just look kind of washed out to me. Yellow looks orange and blue looks tourqoise or sometimes gray.
    Right now I’m being gang stalked like many others of us. Hope you’re not!

  31. Akima Avatar

    Nephilim: the daughters and sons of the union of angels and demons. We were destroyed, no, annihilated by the gods. They were afraid we were too strong, and would overthrow them. It didnt help that we figured out how to creat life. The gods were cruel in their punishment of us. Condemming us to be continually reincarnate for eternity in these weak human forms. Our powers just out of reach, our honor in shambles, never being able to rest in the afterlife. The decendants of the neph that survived get the traits and a whisp of abilities. The reincarnats are stuck in these weak and fragile forms. We are tired, I am tired and want to rest. Tired of life.

  32. Sandra Hibbard Avatar

    Hello my name is Sandra and I was wondering, is the RH- blood really the blood of the Nephilim or is that just crap? I want to know because I myself have O- Blood and I am kin to the late Princess Di. I heard that the Monarchs of England have O- blood. Let me know.

  33. naenpgheil Avatar

    you humans….do text me back if you want to meet a nephilim..wont take long …anywhere youre in any part of the world ..our forefathers survived the flood so let us live in peace..its better if you stay home.

  34. Unnamed Avatar

    I think my child is a Nephilim.. I heard someone mention this and upon research, it seems to be true. What do I do?

  35. Azreal Avatar

    I am the fatherless son. Son of the ancients widow. I’ve awoken I am connect to all things of light and dark. Brother’s it’s imperative to UNITE the change is now. Lucifer will no longer hold us. Awake you forgotten angels. Its time to rise

  36. Havoc43 Avatar

    Not all Nephilims are beings of light and hope. I am one of these cases. I strive to help others but yet find myself being drawn to the darkness. And the humans who come looking for us are like annoying little flys. We just want to be left alone.

  37. Jasmine Avatar

    what if you know that you are an angel how do you trigger this inside you

  38. Kyrael Avatar

    I am sceptical of most of these comments but im not dumb and neither are the real nephilim so why would you clearly state that you are a being that is stronger than a regular Angel? It doesn’t seem wise to tell everyone including people who would possibly kill nephilim that you are one …..and yes I know the power of a nephilim and I know that none of them would be dumb enough to do anything if this comment angered them …i may only be human but it’s crazy what a bit of intervention can accomplish holy and unholy alike so please if you are truly nephilim do yourself a favour and don’t spill your secrets and do stay away from me

  39. Angel eyes Avatar
    Angel eyes

    When I was little I had many of what I call unusual abilities. The first one I remember happening to me is the ability to see spirits and being levitated. I remember doing what is described as a telepathic shout to my mom who was in another state at the time. I wanted her to have a certain dream and she called in less than a week telling me that she had that dream. Another time I remember having a dream my mom,my dad and I were in a pick up truck together crossing a four lane intersection and we were t-boned by a white truck coming from the left of us. Of course I beg my parents for us not to go that day but we do anyway. We were on our way back and we were clipped by a white truck coming from the very direction I saw in my dream. Something else I could do when I was young was move objects with my mind. I moved the salt shaker one time in front of my whole family but only my dad saw. I also made a vase of flowers explode in the middle of a table. Before any of you ask if it was over filled know that it wasn’t and my parents had been arguing in front of me when I did this. One of my cousins told me that I levitated an alarm clock while I was sleeping.

    Much hasn’t happened to me until just 2 years ago I started having nightmares about war. I have even dreamt that the giants come back but for some unknown reason they will not harm me even though they harm everything else around them. I’m wondering if my dreams or nightmares are a vision of what happens in the future. I also feel after being somewhat dormant for so long that something is trying to reawaken me. I just want to say that it’s confronting knowing that I’m not alone. I’m very sorry for your suffering at the same time.

  40. Darkstar Avatar

    I am a Nephilim descendant myself. I don’t shy away from it, rather, I embrace what I am. One thing that tends to happen with me is that when I go to a place that is considered to be, “haunted,” the spirits there go quiet. They know what I am because every spirit on earth is the spirit of one of the original Nephilim. They recognize their own kind. They won’t want to harass or torment one of their own, rather, they calm down and everything is at peace.

    The biggest physically detectable trait of one who is a true descendant of the Nephilim is their blood type. If you are an RH-, your bloodline is pure and your roots go all the way back to the original Nephilim, rather, back to the Watcher class angels themselves. Your blood type is proof of your lineage.

    Why do you think there are so few RH- individuals on the planet?

    Just some food for thought.

  41. Sgt. Michelle Foy Avatar

    My boyfriend is Merovingian. His grandfather has the family heraldry from the middle ages. He has one blue eye one red. He is tall and very hairy. I have seen him manifest completely as a red skinned demon. His mother is possessed by Beelzebul. He accepted Jesus but does not walk in humility. He is narcissistic and delusional. I have all but given up on him due to his control and cruelty. Pics on my gab:

  42. B Avatar

    This also seems descriptive for a type 3 indigo. I do have many of these traits that alternate but know that I am different so any suggestions of what I could be make me curious. Type 3 indigos are if a bunch of fragmented nephilim energy is in a body being taken over by an Oraphim which is their higher selves. I can seem vigilant and hyper alert because I sense something but don’t know what it is yet sometimes I can predict the future other times my hunches are too roundabout to really understand until later on when things play out. I have been diagnosed with autism my body language doesn’t seem natural it’s like a lot of different energy trying to drive the body and if there’s not enough agreements ahead of time about what to do when I get very confused and have trouble making up my mind.

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