Novelty Seeking Creatures


Now the brain under analysis…

They seek to understand the “mind” by watching the brain function. There are some easily traced circuits in the human brain – those connecting our eyes and other sense to our brain – and so you can clearly identify that when the eye is stimulated a specific part of the brain acts up as well. But at the same time every other part of your brain is functioning. My brain may associate looking at dog mess with my understanding of food, but does that mean I am a corprophage?

What is corprophage? Feces eating organism.

My brain may register a response whenever I see or hear a female in my “sex” center, but does that mean I desire to mate with every female I see hear or smell? And should a part of my brain, every time I suppress an aggressive impulse, have to necessarily be my self-discipline?

Is it necessary for self-discipline? Necessary, some would say yes, other researchers would say no.

So all kinds of things light up in the brain but we choose what to pay attention to? To a degree. What scientists are learning to do is program the process in the human brain that assembles a representation of the world, even your retinal pattern has something to do with this, and just as everyone’s retinal pattern is unique, so is everyone’s system of representational links, engrams, almost a direct correlation between the retinal pattern and the core neural pattern in the visual center. This is what the research regarding “thin slicing” is about. As soon as you experience a stimulus, a whole cerebral construct is triggered, even before you are conscious of having experienced anything at all, and from instinct this construct is accepted and believed with only the minimal amount of analysis and modification necessary from immediately obvious novel stimuli.

The brain doesn’t want to change its patterns. It seeks first to conserve energy and pre-existing information, which means on a deep seated level it doesn’t like to learn.

Hence the whole idea of ‘conditioning’ ourselves? Yes. Market and government sponsors are relying on this observation to make their new program designs work well. That given the normal circumstances not only will people not choose to learn, they will develop a preference for the new system they design.

People don’t know what they like until you show them. That’s only a half truth, but one that is true enough for government work so to speak. The brain has not the one impulse but two, the one that wants to conserve energy and resources, and the other that is only satisfied by a certain amount of change and adaption taking place over any given period of time. We are naturally novelty seeking creatures.

When the two conflict, in fact, the novelty seeking will win out. This is why you see so much of that “yolo” idea going around. (You Only Live Once.) Lacking anything of genuine value and substance, people will engage in the idiotic for novelties sake. They will ignore food, drink and sleep for it even, which just compounds the already compromised judgement. Life as mechanism has lead us to our current “culture.” How well does it foster our well-being?

Everyone familiar with MK Ultra? A government program initiated by the United States, but really intergovernmental, in which they sought to discover a reliable technology for controlling the human mind, and they did discover many interesting things. This is why they are so interested in funding anything that would seem to advance and shore up their previous gains. One of the processes they discovered is called “psychic driving.”

READ:  Curious Creatures

In the original situation, it involved a combination of incapacitating drugs and forcing someone to watch a stream of preselected images that are accompanied by an associated audio track. The theory was they could break down the brains ability to maintain its pre-existing natural or habitual patterns, and supplement their own through a sort of brute force suggestion.

This has been deployed. Psycho-pharmaceuticals, as a matter of policy, are put forth as the solution to any severe unease, and they flood the airwaves with formulaic material, news, situation comedy, drama. Can you manage to not know what the newest popular TV show is? The newest celebrity scandal?

The more I stay away from TV, the happier I am. Yet you still know what’s the buzz, don’t you? Hear your friends talking about it? We pick it up automatically; an instinct drives us to do so. People very often get more upset about celebrity affairs than they show any interest in their own relationships. Is this unfair to say? If not celebrity affairs, then the talk of political pundits or other public figures.

Well, they found that project very frustrating. This is why they have spent so much time trying to master the brain machine, find ways to devise implants that stimulate desired responses. The brain keeps slipping outside of projected models, failing to conform perfectly to desired outcomes.

They are analysing peoples responses to commercials by having them watch it while taking a fMRI. Yes.

So seriously, this sounding like nonsense? No. It sounds scary.

Your thoughts are welcome. Be well friends.

Travis Saunders
Dragon Intuitive

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