Category: General

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  • Popular Insights of 2009

    Popular Insights of 2009

    Too many posts to handle? If you missed out on a great one from 2009, here’s a few of the top posts that you may want to check out: Native American Beliefs Posted February 2009 in Native American Native American religion isn’t actually a unified religion. In a sense, there both were and were not multiple…

  • The Universe

    The Universe

    I just read where the Hubble telescope is now seeing 13.2 billion years back in time to very, very close to origins of the big bang. That is the theory, yes. I favour the ekpyrotic theory myself. Dimensional “membrane” collision as the source of the energy release and the definitive pattern for both gravity and…

  • Rumination On Life

    Rumination On Life

    Do you consider contemplative prayer to be akin to a focused meditation? Not really. It functions sort of differently. Contemplative prayer is a sort of focus, yes, but not necessarily formal. Ever notice that even without direction or making a special effort, you tend to dwell on some things? Contemplative prayer is more like a…

  • Tower Of Babble

    Tower Of Babble

    Usually people sort of blend into the background noise going through the motions of spirituality, but some do stand out. People tend to form gestalt constructs in my memory. I know that I have remembered someone when they fit one of those complexes, but how people identify themselves is not how I identify them anyway.…

  • Less Is More

    Less Is More

    Every day we accept a new day, and hence we change our disposition and composition with this acceptance. In every moment, we accept new conditions of that moment and our own condition alters in the face of this acceptance. With every new idea we accept, we alter the context of other ideas we hold and…

  • One World

    One World

    I have found I observe something about people that most people just think is weird. People get seriously hung up on ethnic groups and literal blood lines. But I have seen for a long time that despite superficial differences, there does seem to be only a limited number of types of people, and ethnicity has…

  • Awareness Is Reality

    Awareness Is Reality

    Human thought is a contagious disease, and some people are an “immune” system. Those who are the immune system to dysfunctional thought patterns are like, “umm, that’s not quite right.” They point out the errors and seek to destroy them? Illustrate why they can’t be lived. How do we “disarm” the dysfunctional patterns? Take our…

  • Let It Get To You

    Let It Get To You

    If the see-er is the seeing, why see at all since it keeps you inside your mind? It doesn’t keep you inside your personal mind. It makes you present to the universal mind. It has nothing to do with the personal mind. Just as plants come from the soil, individual mind arises from a base…

  • Have Your Own Mind

    Have Your Own Mind

    The pot loves to call the kettle black. There is an unusual sense of presence and intensity associated with some people. Also very subtle, but surprisingly consistent differences in psychological “syntax”. People are strange, when you’re a stranger … If one is in denial of their true purpose and true self, are they really living…

  • Working With The Subconscious: Everything Is Everything Else

    Working With The Subconscious: Everything Is Everything Else

    It is a basic rule about the subconscious. Everything is everything else. So cutting a carrot is cutting your finger, is cutting someone else’s limb off, is carving a wooden statue, and eating is engulfing, is drowning, is suffocation, is snakes and lizards. The chains go on and on. They aren’t formless though. They are…

  • My Question

    My Question

    I have a question. In your experience, which am I better with; understanding the mind or understanding the world? I don’t know, you seem to understand everything. Farkle. Well, thank you for taking a stab at it. Maybe the mind and then you base understanding of the world on that, or the world and you…

  • What You Don’t Want To Know

    What You Don’t Want To Know

    My whole life I have dealt with aspects of experience that people neither understood or were even willing to consider. Every new experience came at me in such a way that I was left unable to articulate my understanding in a way that satisfied others as to my mental competency. I have been told many…

  • Living In My Own World

    Living In My Own World

    I have often been told that I live in my own little world. I have had people tell me that I am out of touch with reality. If reality is defined by commonly held attitudes and beliefs, then they were right. Everybody believes in a different view of the world, even if it’s only a…

  • Dragon’s Kiva Lending Team

    Dragon’s Kiva Lending Team

    We want to invite you to our lending team, One World, Many Paths on Kiva, a non-profit website that allows you to lend as little as $25 to a specific low-income entrepreneur across the globe. You choose who to lend to – whether a baker in Afghanistan, a goat herder in Uganda, a farmer in…

  • Spiritual Psychic Health Ebook

    Spiritual Psychic Health Ebook

    This is a very complex topic, and we’ve compiled an ebook that explores all the chakras from the base consciousness to the higher self. Download the full ebook on Spiritual and Psychic Health. Please provide your feedback below. If you find it of value, donations are appreciated via our paypal account.     Your thoughts are welcome. Be well…

  • Teaching Advice

    Teaching Advice

    If you would welcome some teaching advice… Why I wound up teaching and why… There is a certain kind of thinking that just came naturally to me, creeped into my conversations, how I helped my friends, just topics of interest even. You may do this already. You may have had someone take note of your…

  • Dragon Intuitive Book Selection of the Month

    If I were a wealthy man, I would see libraries preserved and developed, not neglected and shuffled off. It would include all books, BS and truth. Books have the same power as word of mouth, sometimes more so. In lies truth, and in truth lies. Happiness can be in reading a good book. Just reading the…