Category: Guest Articles

If you have a view to share and would like to reach others, submit your post to us. If we feel it fits with the theme of our blog, we would be honored to post it here. We’re always interested in giving another perspective to our readers and exposure for other writers. We like to explore all beliefs with the condition that tolerance and respect is shown for all.

Dragon Intuitive also has an on-line community in the virtual world of Second Life. We welcome guest blog posts on your Second Life experience. They will be posted on our Second Life ‘One World, Many Paths‘ group site.

Submit the article with a minimum of 800 words to, subject ‘Guest Blog’ with a byline about you including a link to your website.

“Whenever I found out anything remarkable, I have thought it my duty to put down my discovery on paper, so that all ingenious people might be informed thereof.” Antonie van Leeuwenhoek (Dutch Biologist, 1632-1723)

“The educated do not share a common body of information, but a common state of mind” Mason Cooley (American , b.1927)

“Our best thoughts come from others.” Ralph Waldo Emerson (American Poet, Lecturer and Essayist, 1803-1882)

  • How to Live Zen when Life is Hectic by Hollywood Psychics

    How to Live Zen when Life is Hectic by Hollywood Psychics

    It seems that life gets more hectic every day. Sometimes, a busy schedule can be used as an excuse not to live a Zen life. Perhaps you’ve made that excuse yourself. Face it, you’ve got a demanding job, friends, family, and let’s not forget society applying daily pressure to do it all and to be…

  • Four Steps to Finding Your Life by Donovan Tyler

    Four Steps to Finding Your Life by Donovan Tyler

    Finding your path in life can be an overwhelming task, especially since goals frequently change, and life often throws people curve balls. However, following some simple steps makes this process less frightening and makes goals more realistic and attainable. Have Goals Once in awhile, it’s certainly pleasant to sit back and relax instead of working…

  • How to Get Motivated and Reach Your Fullest Potential by Macy Hart

    How to Get Motivated and Reach Your Fullest Potential by Macy Hart

    So often, you hear people say that you have the potential to do anything you want. The problem is that no one tells us how to reach that potential or even find it. The problem just may be that we cannot quantify potential, or that we cannot measure potential and we cannot even define potential!…

  • A New Dawn by Robert Gresak

    A New Dawn by Robert Gresak

    The world and humanity is in turmoil and disarray. One does not need a crystal ball to see this. People are constantly on the move, nothing is static, the rivers of life appear to be fast gathering momentum towards some amazing and wondrous end. Stress and tension and the pressures of peoples work are also…

  • Making the Most Out of Spiritual Education by Mariana Ashley

    Making the Most Out of Spiritual Education by Mariana Ashley

    The spiritual educational experience can be a smooth ride or a slippery slope. Life is full of numerous temptations, unhealthy habits, and terrible maladies. So how does one expand their spirituality in the midst of such world chaos? Education – of course. Spiritual education helps students maintain life goals, inner callings, and personal sanity in…

  • How Social Media Can Affect Spirituality by Aniya Wells

    How Social Media Can Affect Spirituality by Aniya Wells

    Spirituality can be described differently, depending on who you ask. For me, in order to tap into my spirit (even if just for a moment), I must focus on a different level of existence and connect this focus to the harmonious energy of the Universe. I often view spirituality as an orchestra, where everyone plays…

  • Honest Consciousness: Aligning your Thoughts and Feelings with Authenticity by Amelia Wood

    Honest Consciousness: Aligning your Thoughts and Feelings with Authenticity by Amelia Wood

    A dear friend once told me that true and honest authenticity is one of the rarest qualities people possess. I remember being rather taken aback by her bold assertion. What did she mean? Were all the people around me being fake and insincere in their day-to-day lives? Was my mother’s seemingly endless love not truly…

  • My 5 Favorite Spiritual Tomes by Amanda Watson

    My 5 Favorite Spiritual Tomes by Amanda Watson

    Obviously, given the nature of the subject matter, this is a very personal and subjective list. So I don’t want anyone to take it as a “best” list or any kind of canon of required reading. I simply want to share with you some of the most inspiring, revelatory, or just plain mind-blowing books I’ve…

  • Natural Memories by Debra Johnson

    Natural Memories by Debra Johnson

    There is something about nature that awakens the senses. Almost every memory I have, from the time I was a very small child to now, centers around something natural. Something outside or just something to hold on to that was part of the Earth. Something not man-made or plastic or artificial, but genuine and real.…

  • Depth of Love by Kelsey Clark

    Depth of Love by Kelsey Clark

    You can only be loved to the extent that you are known. John Ortberg I heard this quote the other day and it really opened my eyes to understand love a little better. Love is not some magical thing that will overwhelm everything in its path. Love can only be allowed in, and it can…

  • Finding yourself in College by Patricia Garza

    Finding yourself in College by Patricia Garza

    If there’s one cliché that I hate most out of all clichés I hear about college students, it’s “finding yourself.” It’s typically used in conjunction with backpacking trips to different places, most commonly Europe or Tibet or Nepal. What I dislike most about the “finding yourself” trope is not that the idea itself is disingenuous,…

  • Points That Can Lead You to a Better Place by Paul Taylor

    Points That Can Lead You to a Better Place by Paul Taylor

    There is a lot of talk in spiritual circles these days of a universal “waking up” period that may come. The only way this would happen, in this humble writers opinion, is one person at a time. There are 8 points to this, among many others, that people can start to implement so they can…

  • The Love of a Mother, The Connection of a Twin by Ken Myers

    The Love of a Mother, The Connection of a Twin by Ken Myers

    When I was child my mother told me about the day when I was born. I am going to share this story with you. The day that my mother was going to give birth to me she was in the river washing the family clothes. For that time there no washer machine in my house.…

  • Food to Improve Health by Sara Dawkins

    Food to Improve Health by Sara Dawkins

    There are many foods that are supposed to improve our health. From foods meant to help us lose weight, to ones that help our bodies to function properly, to ones that help our brains work better longer. Depending upon the region you grew up in you may be familiar with all kinds of food that…

  • Peter Pierre by DonJuan Writer

    Peter Pierre by DonJuan Writer

    Only a fool seeks wisdom for who on Earth else would need it? Similarly an unclean soul seeks purity, You’d be an unwise fool to feed it. Purity demands one must abstain, Whilst hinting that truth sets one free, That’s a “stop” and that’s a “go.” Blatant hypocrisy. The blueprints for progress are faded, Outdated,…

  • Toward A Higher Purpose In Political Campaigns by Jason Miner

    Toward A Higher Purpose In Political Campaigns by Jason Miner

    A major journalist recently likened a spat between the presidential candidates as reminiscent of two kids fighting in the back seat. A political analyst suggested that campaign hardball is acceptable because cheap shots have been around since the inception of the Republic. Well, back then slavery was accepted and women couldn’t vote. The argument that…

  • Study Shows Meditation Changes Brain after 8 Weeks by Sarah Clare

    Study Shows Meditation Changes Brain after 8 Weeks by Sarah Clare

    Many of us have felt the peace of meditation after just a few minutes of meaningful silence. There are long-term and far-reaching benefits to meditation that we may not realize, too. A new study published in Frontiers in Human Neuroscience shows that just 8 weeks of dedicated meditation training changes the brain—even outside of the…

  • Healthy Connections by Allison Foster

    Healthy Connections by Allison Foster

    Why is it so hard to miss someone? I know it seems strange, but I have this issue with feeling close enough to anyone else to admit I really miss them. For some reason it feels like I am admitting that I am attached to them in some unhealthy way. But missing someone is not…