Category: Axis Mundi

We can’t really as a species conceive of an infinite world. The closest we can come is to identify a centre, and then we feel free to envision the world expanding infinitely beyond that point. We can’t even do the math on infinity without defining a starting point. We can’t express it in even in the most obtuse way.

The world tree is one of those more or less universal presences. No single country or culture originated the concept of the world tree, and what it represents ultimately is the axis mundi. If the culture had no world tree it had a world pillar, more or less, a sacred mountain.

  • Paths


    The world tree is today’s topic. It’s one of those more or less universal presences. No single country or culture originated the concept of the world tree, and what it represents ultimately is the axis mundi. We can’t really as a species conceive of an infinite world. The closest we can come is to identify…

  • First Model of Network Cosmology

    First Model of Network Cosmology

    Maybe I need to get “out there” first before I can bring it down to the concrete level. Network cosmology. The world tree is humanities “first” model of network cosmology. The central trunk would represent the common axis of time. The branches and roots would represent two different but connected planes of space traditionally referred…

  • Ultimate Physical Branch

    Ultimate Physical Branch

    Shall I bring this back down to earth a bit more? The particles that make up your body seem to have come together after having previously been entirely disconnected. I suggest that this is inaccurate. Instead, you as an individual object arose as a process of “budding”, an overlapping of fields and resonances, that gives…

  • Mapping the World Tree

    Mapping the World Tree

    Let’s look at the tree as branches of cause and effect. Some object to the genetic model thinking perhaps it marginalizes them. So every reaction you have ever caused in the world around you, that includes physical objects as well as living beings, has left a causal imprint. Is this an illogical notion? No. Have…

  • Climbing the World Tree

    Climbing the World Tree

    Shall we put this into practice? We all stand at the trunk of the world tree. The world as you see it is that trunk. We all sleep in the roots of the world tree. Your memories of the day and your inherited memory, genetic tendencies, what have you, are all beneath the common ground…