Category: Laws of Magick

The magickal world is not dead. Read the complete series of posts on the laws of magic or jump to the section on:

Law Of Attraction: You feel anything by the process of desire. There is no aversion, only attraction.

Law Of Negative Attraction: You can’t interrupt any condition without dissipating the same energies that brought you there in the first place.

Law of Contagion: Two things once in contact stay in contact. The law of contagion is also a law of training. It is how you can form new habits.

Law of Infinite Universes: The way to allow manifestation through is to ask yourself, “Who am I in a universe in which this thing is possible?”

Law of Knowledge: Knowledge, true knowledge, is properly oriented. Knowledge is power, because it arises from power, from the behaviour of energy in our world.

Law of Pragmatism: Our perceptions and thus our models of the world are not literally true, and though they are not literally true, they are true enough to be functional.

Law of Similarity: One of the tricks your mind does is group objects with similar qualities together. We need categories, and we didn’t choose to have this trait. Nature set this up for us.

Law of Sympathy: Web of relationships. You can affect anything by affecting what has a link to it.

Law of Synchronicity: Insight into the interaction of beings in the world around us has predictive value.

  • Habitual Thinking

    Habitual Thinking

    Laws of Attraction is a new pseudo-religion, or so it would seem. Just have your mind be sun-shiny enough and your life will be delirious bliss. Anyone have any luck with that? No. The “positive” people I know are in bouts of depression half the time. Because they try to change surfaces and keep the…

  • Process Of Desire

    Process Of Desire

    Why do we have problems? Seems sort of mysterious, huh? I want the wrong things or I don’t know what I want? You don’t know what you want. True will, actual desire, the real substance of the human mind, is buried beneath peoples “perception.” They do not see. They say “I see.” Their eye sees…

  • Knowing Is Internal

    Knowing Is Internal

    Anyone want to share a problem in their life? A problem? Find work that I really enjoy. Ok, so let’s look at your job search. Describe it to me? How was it when you were looking? There were plenty of jobs, just none that appealed to me. First off, why did you notice “plenty of jobs”?…

  • Perception Chooses

    Perception Chooses

    Perception is very narrow. If you move it around, you will scan the world only very poorly. This makes everything seem unclear if you won’t let your perception settle. Your perception has a purpose. It has to be in agreement with inner nature or it will trip you, hurt you, not show you a thing.…

  • Form Of Desire

    Form Of Desire

    Is it not me that tells me when something is wrong? Such as taking a life? No. It’s not “you”, not the “I.” I can think about killing, but have no desire to actually do so. Yes. Your perception can be on killing and then it will go off, because in dramatic situations the inner…

  • Clear Goal

    Clear Goal

    What does it mean when you hit a wall of the “I’m not sure what I want”? What do you do to get clear on a goal to manifest something? You look at what you are noticing. Then notice what you are feeling. Note any disagreement between what you are giving your attention, and what…

  • Way Of Sympathy

    Way Of Sympathy

    You could say that the way of sympathy is just a philosophical precept, but it has been shown to have a psychological basis, even in those who profess no actual superstitious beliefs. The Law of Sympathy is that things that appear to have something in common, actually have something in common. It’s actually pretty simple,…

  • Sympathetic Links

    Sympathetic Links

    Two things that are coloured red have a very real shared quality. In a literal scientific sense, they both have physical traits that makes them reflect the red color from the light spectrum. Metaphysically, it’s basically the same with the Law of Sympathy. If two things seem to have common traits, it’s because they share…

  • Attracting Truth

    Attracting Truth

    “We can’t solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them.” Albert Einstein. Einstein would have made a great magician if he were not a scientist, but the two disciplines are not of necessity separate and are growing less and less so over time, again Law of Sympathy. Those…

  • Holographic Universe

    Holographic Universe

    Does red exist to someone who is colorblind? Parts of red exist, and a color blind individual who is also a synesthete would feel red and hear red. They wouldn’t have to see red. Sort of like the “facial” vision they have through a variety of sectors, it’s not as detailed as “normal” vision, but…

  • Relationship Between Knowledge and Ability

    Relationship Between Knowledge and Ability

    There is a popular saying, knowledge is power, but why do we believe this? Does knowing something really change our ability to act in the world directly? DO we believe it? I would offer that you likely do believe it. There are a good many spoken beliefs that people arrive at naturally. Perhaps another tack,…

  • Knowledge is Emergent

    Knowledge is Emergent

    Where does luck factor into metaphysical law? Luck in the original sense was a personal trait as the Norse understood it. A way the world behaved around you because of the way you were, the person you are. That is the original concept behind luck. It had nothing to do with randomness originally. So luck…

  • Knowledge is Survival

    Knowledge is Survival

    Knowledge is indeed power, not because we acquire ability from knowledge, but because we apply ability to experience. We all have a transferable ability to understand cause and effect, sequences and systems, and this ability works the same no matter what it’s applied to. Isn’t this sort of a wonder in and of itself? We…

  • Knowledge is Power

    Knowledge is Power

    In theory, there can be some circumstance that compromises knowledge like being blind or suffering exceptional brain damage. The blind have no knowledge of sight, but they do have ideas about sight. Learning about it is not the same as knowing it, or am I mistaken? It’s said that in the kingdom of the blind,…

  • Working Memory

    Working Memory

    I know I’m searching for something. Something so undefined that it can only be seen by the eyes of the blind. A Billy Joel song lyric but also related to tonight’s topic, the law of contagion. Human beings generally perceive themselves to see the world as a whole. Even neuroscience now says that this is…

  • Law of Training

    Law of Training

    Your mind sorts your observations into categories. This is as true of women as it is of men though the structure of these categories shows differences between the genders. You have only a short list of possible characters or personalities that your mind will assign to anyone you make the acquaintance of. These categories might…

  • Links of Causal Contagion

    Links of Causal Contagion

    Shall we explore the possible non-psychological basis for the law of contagion? It’s reasonable to assume that the chain of cause and effect in an environment includes everything in that environment, yes? To be affected by an event, something had to be present there to be affected. Well, your subconscious or instinctive mind makes connections…

  • Metaphysical Alchemy: Vertigo

    Metaphysical Alchemy: Vertigo

    So any questions about the law of contagion? Can there be sinister uses for this law like for cursing someone? That’s how cursing is done. It’s also how curing is done. The one laying a curse creates a mini crisis to infect the target with by the law of contagion and the mini crisis gets…