Category: Colors of Magick

There aren’t just two domains of energy or spiritual forces just as there aren’t just two colors in the world. The energy goes all over the place, and they all have their own ways. Magick, like the world itself, is not monochromatic.

Reality falls along a spectrum, perhaps one that is roughly the equivalent of the time space continuum, and as they say there is a time and place for every purpose.

Open the chapter on: Purple Magick | Yellow Magick | Red Magick | Orange Magick | Gold Magick | Green Magick | Blue Magick

  • Rainbow of Magic

    Rainbow of Magic

    You have probably heard the terms “white magic” and “black magic.” What are your thoughts on that? Doesn’t the black and white model seem really off? The conventional notion is that white is good, and black is bad. It’s in all the fairy tales. Yes, this is in the modern telling. The older stories aren’t that…

  • Color of Magic

    Color of Magic

    All magic and any energy is basically a form of “light.” By connecting to a color, or a domain of function, you do take on more of that energy. It’s all vibration, energy waves.  Anyone have a color of magic they want to focus on? Yellow. Yellow magic is the magic of inquiry. The gift of…

  • Elemental Aspect is Sexual

    Elemental Aspect is Sexual

    Magick, like the world itself, is not mono- chromatic. The concepts of black and white are theoretical models, and have no real basis in any experiential practice. Absolutely, white is an abstract concept. Yes. Reality falls along a spectrum, perhaps one that is roughly the equivalent of the time space continuum, and as they say…

  • Inflame Their Passions

    Inflame Their Passions

    Purple magick is not strictly or even originally a human phenomenon. It is evident in the pecking orders of other species as well as the final shape human law takes. The forces behind it cannot ultimately be controlled. It’s not really possible, so instead they are channeled. They are channeled by popular media. They are…

  • Purple Interaction with Red Magick

    Purple Interaction with Red Magick

    Now as much as those who serve the economy would want us to believe otherwise, all their money (one of many illusions and fabrication they have flooded the world with) can’t give them exclusive control of purple magick. They can’t actually have absolute power. The reason they can’t have absolute control over purple magick is…

  • Purple Haze

    Purple Haze

    It seems over- whelming doesn’t it, having to live in this purple haze they keep us breathing? Yes, life is trouble. They produce the purple haze with noise pollution. They produce it with commercial incentives. What part of modern culture today isn’t defined by the web of commercial incentives they make us all aware of? It’s…

  • You Are Desire

    You Are Desire

    The secret behind mastering purple magick is the under- standing that you don’t do desire. It’s not something that happens to you either. You are desire. Can you desire something you have never seen? For most people no, not in their experience. But actually, yes you can. That’s the deep mystery behind purple magick. The…

  • Have a Handle on Desire Force

    Have a Handle on Desire Force

    Well, perhaps an alternative. Take all these ideas with a grain of salt if that is what seems appropriate, but imagine a movement of individuals who all fully understand and have a handle on their desire force. Each deliberately designs their own desire in such a way as to support the intention expressed by their…

  • Magick of the Mind

    Magick of the Mind

    I have been doing the colours of magick as a loose series not necessarily in any particular order. The colour system I am referring to corresponds to the traditional colours assigned to the chakras. Red to the root chakra, etc. Today, we are talking about yellow magick. It’s the magick of the mind. To affect change…

  • Processes Behind Yellow Magick

    Processes Behind Yellow Magick

    Have you ever successfully shaken off an old idea just by ignoring it? Starving it of mental energy. You can wilfully starve an idea of mental energy? The more I resolve to not think of something, the more I think about it. Don’t think about an elephant. I just did. You can replace it with…

  • Using Minds Innate Structure

    Using Minds Innate Structure

    So shall we get down under the hood so to speak? You are never awake. In fact, the only way science can differentiate between the awake brain and the sleeping brain is not the level of activity, but what regions are active at the time. Deep down in the core of your consciousness, your perception…

  • You Can Angle the Mirror

    You Can Angle the Mirror

    They have discovered the source of “talent.” It’s the myelinization process. It can be deliberately triggered, but not by trying to perform any single task as a whole activity. The task has to be broken down, and small parts of it rehearsed carefully with focused attention. What this all means is, well, science tells us…

  • Selection is Free Won’t

    Selection is Free Won’t

    Your mind builds any of your perceptions. How it builds it depends on how you have outlined what you believe to be real. You create a blueprint that your mind uses to assemble experiences into a perception. Most people actually don’t knowingly create their own blueprint, instead working from cultural or societal generalizations. You create…

  • Build a Perception: Rainy Days

    Build a Perception: Rainy Days

    So, shall we build a perception? Or have it built for us. That is the choice you face, yes. Anyone want to pick a sample experience? Rainy days? Rainy days. You experience a dimming of the ambient light outside, a rise in ambient moisture in the air, a drop of temperature, the stimulation of rainfall…

  • Build a Perception: Untrustworthy

    Build a Perception: Untrustworthy

    I perceive someone who is not paying back her debt to me as untrustworthy. I can work with that one also. In this case, you are assembling your perception one way. The person who received your financial aid is assembling it another. They may be beating themselves about the head and shoulders with guilt over…

  • Life as an Elemental Force

    Life as an Elemental Force

    Red magick is life magick. Not life magick in perhaps the more commonly thought of sense, it is life force magick, becoming attuned to life as an elemental force. Life is an energy that doesn’t originate with us as individuals, and continues to behave according to its nature even when it is “in” us. How…

  • Life Force Body

    Life Force Body

    You have a morphology in the life force around you, a life force body with unique geometry as well as metaphysical traits. You color the life force flowing around you and through you. The only real life force shallows are found near the terminally ill, at least as far as humans go, but you have…

  • Influencing Red Magick

    Influencing Red Magick

    Life force is the base medium, where psychic energy is more the energy expended by the artist. People can interact with life force more consciously, more deliberately. This is the essence of red magick in practice. You can anticipate coming turmoil in the life force around you and modify it, like a white blood cell…