Category: Spirits

Spirits are not the spooky things we hear about. You sense them daily and the world itself is spirit. The basic premise I operate under is that a spirit arises whenever sufficient awareness focuses and gives rise to what is at least a semi-independent entity, and I also offer that spirits occurred before human consciousness as we know it arose.

The guardians are keepers of a world that is entirely in order. Some of the facets of life we feel positive about and uplifted by, others we fear and seek to avoid. If there were any conflict among the guardians then there would be strong fluctuations in those events we consider good and those we consider bad, and my experience is there is no such thing. They all keep the balance.

Jump to the first post in this series on: Angels | Oneiroi | Satyrs

“The artist alone sees spirits. But after he has told of their appearing to him, everybody sees them.” Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

  • Nature of Spirits

    Nature of Spirits

    Spirits aren’t the rare spooky encounter you hear about in haunted locales. You likely sense them on a daily basis. When you sense someone walk into a room, the sense of presence, their personal energy is a spirit. It’s just a level of being. In fact if you are inclined to visit parks or other…

  • Death and Living

    Death and Living

    Even death as most define it doesn’t really exist. As science says, energy cannot be either created or destroyed and it’s not. It can only change state. It does. When we die we don’t somehow get catapulted to some other planet, some other realm far from earth. The veil is merely the event horizon for…

  • Interpretation of Spirits

    Interpretation of Spirits

    When you sleep some people think of it as a low energy state, but in fact it’s a high energy state. And the body behaves as it does because it doesn’t exactly have a tolerance for such intense energy. As you slumber your memory of the day does play out, as that is one of…

  • Spirit Contact

    Spirit Contact

    We contact spirits in the same way we sense our loved ones at a distance. A divinatory method isn’t absolutely necessary. In fact, you are likely more in contact than you may have realized you are. The contained system we think our bodies and minds to be really isn’t. Just because we incarnated doesn’t mean…

  • Methods of Spirit Communication

    Methods of Spirit Communication

    There are various methods of communicating with the spirit world and the presences that are there. Meditation: One of the most easy methods, and the way most stumble across it, is meditations. At times in meditation one looses themselves enough in a deep open state that a spirit (often a guide) can communicate rather directly…

  • What Spirits to Ask?

    What Spirits to Ask?

    Just as you wouldn’t ask me about Europe (me being an American and not well traveled), you should focus any spirit communication on spirits connected to what you seek to understand. That “live there”, so to speak, since omniscience is not possessed by any individual being. Omniscience only exists as the field of all awareness.…

  • Co-Creation with Spirits

    Co-Creation with Spirits

    There is co creating with specific non-incarnated entities. It is common, and it is the foundation of concepts that motivate things like Japanese filial piety. They work with us all the time. They tend to work more than we do. The Japanese observe death related religious practices, because they believe they still affect our lives. They…

  • Life in a Graveyard

    Life in a Graveyard

    There are things that inhabit graveyards, and just not the spirits of the dead. Though the dead aren’t hedged from graveyards either. I once saw one of the dead arguing with a lemure. Lemure is a Roman term, refered to the forsaken dead. They change. This was in a graveyard and the lemure was there…

  • Night Dwellers

    Night Dwellers

    Channelling is usually involuntary. Like those of flesh and blood they want me to do stuff, but don’t want to compensate nor return favours. So I’m generally resistant. But with someone yammering in your ear even if you ignore them… Like example, ever be typing when someone is talking to you and you type a…

  • Governing Spirits

    Governing Spirits

    I won’t be talking about angels in a traditional sense, but more as a universal phenomenon. In every culture there have been perceived to be governing spirits if not absolute sovereigns of the world. Guiding intelligences that seem to preside over every aspect of the universe, and I do mean universe. In later Greek reckoning…

  • Angels and Demons

    Angels and Demons

    Angels and demons are all the same, and humans just started dividing them all up with concepts of good and bad? Originally they were the powers that governed all aspects of life, literally all, even Nasragiel the keeper of the gate to hell. And it was heavily debated even in early Christianity what ones conduct…

  • Beings Cloaked in Illusion

    Beings Cloaked in Illusion

    To date, even in modern parapsychology, much of the old understanding of angelic powers is gone. There are still reported encounters or sightings of unknown beings that behave much like the “angels” of old. Though without any seeming divine agenda nor a malicious one. The Mothman might be the most readily apparent and the dialogue…

  • Presence in Expression

    Presence in Expression

    Why do we want to label our existence? The only truth at this moment is ‘I can’t say I am not. I AM that I am.’  To refuse labels is to label labels. Active opposition is service to the force you deride. Every moment is a new observation. In any moment a new insight can…

  • Channeling


    I resist channeling. The ‘teachers’ seem to me much like humans, and at times I grow tired of the philosophy, duty, and platitudes. Many people say they are channeling, but they aren’t. Others don’t, but relate well to the teachers. I do channel some, and they don’t identify with incarnation. Many think channeling is contact with…

  • Channeling Technique

    Channeling Technique

    I practice a channeling but not like it’s popularly practiced, and I don’t usually put my method forward because it seems very alien. There is a simple idea. Energy is life, so matter is life also. Energy forms fields that are non localized, and all energy is life. So the life of other things can be…

  • Spiritual Forces

    Spiritual Forces

    I’ve heard you say “in the grip of some spiritual force” and then say “they are inside you.” I wanted to ask, do you ever give props to a power outside of us? Actually, yes I do, if I understand your question right.  Respect, you mean? I mean, yes, the right to occupy your mind,…

  • Between State

    Between State

    Stuck in the physical…. You don’t know how good you have it. You can be stuck between, now that sucks. You can’t fully engage anything so it forces you to improvise. Stuck between alive and dead? That is a coma? Yes, and no. Coma is closer to dead, just on the threshold of free. I…

  • Time of Death

    Time of Death

    Is there really a force that tells you when you can die, or is it the person that makes that call? It’s a mix of things. Most people think of life and the “other side”, but that division doesn’t really exist. Essentially it’s like looking at the world through a one way mirror.  God can’t, and…