Category: Tantra

Mindlessness isn’t tantric, aimlessness isn’t tantric, but pain, pleasure, bliss and void, these are tantric. Tantra is Gnostic, so the way is valid. It can be broadened perhaps by looking at tradition, but the way of tantra is experiential. Tantra deals with the passions. One of the first lessons of tantra; your unity is not your unity. It is unity between you and the all. You are not alone. The way starts in the root. Root and crown are one in unity. You are flesh. In tantra the flesh isn’t evil. It’s a mirror of spirit. Flesh is a mirror to spirit in tantra, but you don’t experience that by rejecting any portion of your energies.

What is seen when you look at all this? A more sacred communion I have never known.

“The Tantric way is open to all the richness of human nature, which it accepts without a single restriction. It is probably the only spiritual path that excludes nothing and no one, and, in this way, it corresponds to the deep aspirations of men and women today.” Daniel Odier, Tantric Quest: An Encounter with Absolute Love, Page: 22

  • Sexuality and Spirituality

    Sexuality and Spirituality

    In spiritual pursuits there has always been an element of sexuality. But as far as the philosophies go, like many other things, there have been two paths. Seemingly opposed. One path of austerity and moralism. “Pure” pursuits of selflessness, etc. It’s the dominant path in our culture even today and even in sexual roles. Though…

  • Tantric Practice

    Tantric Practice

    Normally, Tantric rites are observed in a very sacramental way. Selective diet before the coming together, contemplative meditation, prayer to ready the participants mentally and emotionally because during the embrace there is surrender. Totally for the female, and surrender in the context of the forms for the male. The actually embrace is not hastened through.…

  • Woman’s Place

    Woman’s Place

    Tantra is seen as dark, especially among the Ophites. A Tantric practicing Gnostic Christian sect for who the serpent was both eros and wisdom. Thus sex became separate from religion in Christianity. Most of the sexual beliefs in Christianity came well after the time of Christ. He did not teach them himself, and he even…

  • Sexual Values

    Sexual Values

    The idea of the matriarchal society is strong in a lot of cultures. Matriarchy by spiritual and not military leadership and the two coexisting. In the Yezidi culture (the non Islamic Kurds), women are not made to wear veils by anything but law, as supposedly Satanist as they are. As the Ophistes were seen, they…

  • Tantra Personal Practice

    Tantra Personal Practice

    We were warned off of Tantra from someone, and about practising and discovering it for ourselves. That it was dangerous. Well actually any religion is, but fear is a cult dogma and there are those who take the sacred and profane it with ideas of ownership. Saying you must adhere to their guru, and know their…

  • Parts of Yourself

    Parts of Yourself

    To overcome, some require some rather dramatic stuff. Familiar at all with any of the mystery cults? They are called cults only because some insights could only be shared when the disciple was ready. Like the elusian mysteries, notice the psychodrama? They called them morality plays later. It is very similar to shamanic dancing and…

  • Karma Yoga

    Karma Yoga

    Tantrism tends to be karma yoga. Liberation by exhausting the karmas, positive or negative. In the tantric view you willingly incure positive karma in sex. Delve into it. Lose yourself in it, and by doing so see it for what it is. But also, and this isn’t so public, they do embrace negative karma also.…

  • Yin and Yang

    Yin and Yang

    You may seek surrender yet people don’t seem willing to let you, and they accuse you of not being responsible so you obey. But in obeying that, you disobey your spirit who needs the surrender to be whole. Where you may get confused, is you mistake surrender for obedience and discover you can’t do that.…