Tag: arcana

  • Resonance With Arcana

    Resonance With Arcana

    Anyone care to share what tradition or traditions they may be affiliated with? I’m not really affiliated with any, but I like the traditional Tarot. The tarot have their origin in the mysteries of Egyptian ma’at originally. The fools journey of the major arcana was their initiation process. I am Wiccan. I also read Tarot.…

  • Wider Arcana

    Wider Arcana

    There are relics of the old tarot arcana still in popular awareness, thus being “behind the eight-ball” means you are unlucky. That is from the minor arcana. This is also why the eight ball is solid black. It’s directly linked to the suit of spades, or swords as it was traditionally. Mythology is its own…

  • What Is Your Arcana?

    What Is Your Arcana?

    Let’s discuss science. It’s full of arcana. Some of which are not based on physics, but instead on their philosophical standard of empiricism. Occam’s razor is an arcana, and it states, “Do not assume the presence of more than is absolutely necessary to explain the apparent.” Pardon the paraphrasing, but this principle is very firmly…

  • Yang Minor Arcana

    Yang Minor Arcana

    I mean to continue the subject of Tarot, but we will touch on the basics. Are you all familiar with tarot? It’s based on a set of images that in all likelihood go back to late Egypt. It originally was used as a set of playing cards that were quite popular with the Egyptian mercenary…

  • Yin Minor Arcana

    Yin Minor Arcana

    Shall we see the introverted suits in Tarot? The Ace of Pentacles. This symbol represents the nest, home, coins, cowry shells, wampum, gathered food, physical roots. The directions N S E W. Yes. It represents the earth and is connected to the earth element. Ultimately, this suit is the nesting instinct and all the feelings…

  • Minor Arcana Model of the World

    Minor Arcana Model of the World

    I have a question for you, do we do anything not reflected in the tarot four minor arcana suits (Swords and Staves, Pentacles and Cups)? Each of these suits is reflected by aspects of the human mind, and all suits are reflected to perhaps different degrees in all people, perhaps at different times. The minor…

  • Major Arcana: Death and Wheel

    Major Arcana: Death and Wheel

    Now the major arcana. These could be considered the power players in reality, the pervasive forces of the universe. The court cards don’t tell their own stories, and they will stay at home, so to speak, if there is no outside intervention. So shall we begin the major arcana? Perhaps one of the most obvious…

  • Major Arcana: Devil

    Major Arcana: Devil

    The devil card. This is the card of confusion and conflict. It is not the card of evil necessarily, as any of the major arcana can reflect some facet of darkness in your life. What are your impressions of this card? Prison. Enslavement. The devil card does represent those things. In fact, there is a…

  • Major Arcana: Temperance and Tower

    Major Arcana: Temperance and Tower

    The temperance card. Ever notice that as dramatic as life can be, everything seems to even out over time? Evening the water in the jugs. An angel pours sometimes from one jug to another. Water is the giver of life, but too much and we drown in it. Well, this card is the reason we…

  • Major Arcana: The Way Through

    Major Arcana: The Way Through

    Want to see the way through? The events shown in the major arcana happen all the time, repeat all throughout history, but they are not personal. They are transcendent. The chariot. Consider this card. What are your impressions? Royalty. Taking care. Being watchful and ready. Sovereignty. Being captain of your own ship. The chariot looks…

  • Major Arcana: Measure of Worth

    Major Arcana: Measure of Worth

    The star. That is Aquarius. Your impressions? Temperance pouring out the water? Yes. This is ultimately what we are all following. The mystery behind why we do all the things we do. The sky takes up almost half the space. Grace. I wonder why the females are always bare breasts. Is that a symbol of…