Tag: cycles

  • Natural Cycles

    Natural Cycles

    I don’t actually go into technical things as a matter of course, but often these subjects do help a technical practice anyway. The biggest shocker may be this, astrology is not about the stars. Astrology is in essence the same sort of discipline as feng shui or other forms of natural study. It’s based on…

  • Cycles in Rune Magick

    Cycles in Rune Magick

    You don’t need to purchase anything strange or expensive to benefit from rune magick. Though you might like to own a nice bit of jewellery or something with your rune on it, you can get the benefits of rune craft from simply doodling the rune on scratch paper or scratching it in the bare earth…

  • Cycles of Creation

    Cycles of Creation

    The cycles of creation were mostly elemental in nature, corresponding roughly to the Mayan agricultural cycle, but they did also include things like a season of war as well. In a way, perhaps like our football seasons, both American and European, and periodically the world “ended” in a storm season. Would the calendar tell them…