Quantum Level
The Quantum Cheshire cat is a paradox that is proving to be true. What it amounts to is, though we think of things as being concrete objects, having distinct characteristics, the supposed object and its traits are not necessarily one and the same thing, like a photon and its spin, say. They also feel like…
Self Directed Belief
So back to chaos magick… Instead of conforming to a traditional set of practices and symbols that are traditionally seen to have meaning, the practitioner of chaos magick experiments with symbols, both traditional ones and ones that their experience or imagination suggest might be especially meaningful. They might create a ritual dedicated to a pretend…
Knowing Your Triggers
Do you want the keys to the doors of your own perception? Ever notice how long an experience can linger with you? Like say how long a song can remain stuck in your head? Ever wonder why that happens or how? I have. Most commonly it happens when you were in an inhibitory state, deeply…
Belief Anchored in Experiences
I need to start believing I’m a playboy millionaire with fancy gadgets. You can’t just spontaneously believe whatever you might arbitrarily choose. Belief has to be anchored in experience. Otherwise, you are just making noise in your head. This is why positive thinking so commonly fails to work, and why books like The Secret are…
Become What You Are Not
We believe what we experience. We either control or are controlled by our experience. Which do you prefer? I prefer to control my experience. Do you know how to control your experience? I only watch movies at home. I never go to the theatre anymore. You are controlled by the experience of holding your new…
Core Question of Chaos Magick
So who lives in your head? Under what sea of imagination and concern? Before we talked about chaos theory and philosophy, today we are talking about chaos magick and a meta-paradigm of practice. Who’s on first? You are under a spell, and you are always on first, never on second, and will never experience home…
Observation in the Observed
Let’s look at the mind… how they have discovered the brain itself works and specifically memory. Memory is mortal. Ultimately, the traces of memory in the brain will be extinguished, modified and recycled beyond recognition. Those memories that seem to persist a life time… If memory is mortal, then how do we sometimes get traces…
Reap in Natural Ways
There is no enemy in nature, and there is only an enemy in man because they fear the reaper. They fear the one who takes, who can take more and faster than they do. This displays ignorance. As much as it may seem the reaper is the ultimate power, the ultimate master of life, it…
Could our understanding of consciousness and soul evolution suggest that plants and trees are repositories of ancient wisdom? How might…