Never Wrong, Never Right
You are never wrong. No one is ever wrong. What do you think of this? I can buy that. I know some people who believe that. I think I am never wrong but everyone else is. The process for assessing rightness or wrongness of a point of view is non existent. The disciplines of philosophy…
What is Advice?
Today’s subject is well … subjective, so I will ask, what is advice? Instructions people give you when they think they are helping you with a problem. Trying to give someone helpful information. Sharing of information or opinion. What does advice do? What impact does it have? Well, it either gives you a new way…
Bridging Earths
In order to harness what could be called an entanglement engine, a sort of breeder reactor for quantum force, they wound up inducing a spacial inversion which shunts everything in that space into a parallel resonance band. Think of strings on a guitar. If you pluck just one, those next to it will still resonate…
Earth Time Space
Lateral distribution, the integrity of our planet and space time, is not self supporting. Our earth is sustained by horizontal echoes, resonate dimensional strings that line up well with our own earth but still display sensitivity to influences we are not in direct contact with ourselves. Long story short, earth wasn’t the only planet possible…
Multiversal Globe
To start at the top of the multiversal globe… At the top of the multiversal globe you have a very dense space, a zone rich with energy and form, the early structures that would give rise to our matter. As you move along the various latitudinal bands… Pardon, this high density space also has consciousness,…
Rainbow Gravity Theory
Today’s subject centres around a theory of rainbow gravity. It has critics but I don’t understand the naysayers. They claim to have proven that space time does warp in the presence of a mass like our earth, and none would deny that matter equals energy, just condensed over a certain amount of space. They were…
Treachery is Valued
So yes, grief. I don’t relate to it properly. I experience loss only when things lose meaning, everything else is just a new found quiet. I even begin to panic when something starts to seem meaningless, don’t I? What is that like to witness from your point of view? It’s dramatic. Like debit card transactions. Yes. They…
My Emotional Life
So any question about status and transition? Transitions in status? My own personal challenge is coming to rest, allowing recovery of my own inner resources. I am sort of spiritually hyper-kinetic, a long habit of running from myself, specifically that part of myself that people have in the past found the most alienating. I learned…
Could our understanding of consciousness and soul evolution suggest that plants and trees are repositories of ancient wisdom? How might…