Things Happen
We have had terrible things happen in our lives. Things we did not choose. These terrible things aren’t necessarily your karma. You don’t exist in a void. For example, you do not choose another’s suicide. They do. If someone chooses to jump off a cliff, I can’t really stop them. It is the same with karma.…
First Karma
Where does the first karma come from to get the whole karmic ball rolling? The first karma comes from a state of existence that permeates all others. The ground of being. It serves as a sort of infrastructure for all of creation, though it isn’t quite as empty and featureless as some authorities would describe…
Dance of Sound and Silence
All things are dance, and those truths we poke at are the song of the piper. Never winded. The wind is his breath. All voices his voice. At any given time someone is thinking, and someone is speaking. Someone might laugh and someone might cry, and the breath with the beat of hearts goes on…
Connection and Pattern
Is karma just incidental? No. It is a principle of interconnectivity, not unlike gravity in space. Our spirits have a gravity, and it can attract good things like the light of the sun, or bad things like comets. Our spirit or energy isn’t a constant. It can’t really be. We are organic creatures and sort…
Karmic Forces
Karma is sort of a tricky topic. Karma isn’t a force unto itself. It is more an aspect of other forces in life, like thought and emotion. Everything that transpires around us, and in us, has a karmic trait to it. A degree of impact, and it doesn’t have an effect entirely of its own…
Fabric of the Universe
Is someone a wise weaver of the universe fabric? Actually no. There is a heart to it all. A sort of hyperspace. The place in Buddhism called Nirvana is not oblivion. The home of the “ascended masters”. Ultimately it’s all a creative effort. A growing up and into our full potential. The angels are our…
Life Theme
It has been said that each persons life has a single theme at the heart of it, and you can discover that from reflection. It is not the same for every person, but it comes from a thread that permeated their whole life, even childhood. It arises from temperament as well as other factors. It might…
Co-Creation with Spirits
There is co creating with specific non-incarnated entities. It is common, and it is the foundation of concepts that motivate things like Japanese filial piety. They work with us all the time. They tend to work more than we do. The Japanese observe death related religious practices, because they believe they still affect our lives. They…
Could our understanding of consciousness and soul evolution suggest that plants and trees are repositories of ancient wisdom? How might…