Category: Taoism

There is still a way in this world, and we started trying to understand it very early in history. But as humans tend to do, it was bent to superficial ends. The Taoists saw that there was a way in nature, and a way in man. They didn’t have ambitions regarding it, beyond living their life well and trying to help others. Taoism was a bit ahead of it’s time, and a lot of it’s “wisdom” can be applied. Even the early “natural philosophers”, what we now call scientists, took inspiration from it. Much of our modern medicine and even our engineering came from “occult” lore.

“The Tao that can be told of is not the eternal Tao;

The name that can be named is not the eternal name.

The Nameless is the origin of Heaven and Earth;

The Named is the mother of all things.

Therefore, let there always be non-being, so we may see their subtlety,

And let there always be being, so we may see their outcome.

The two are the same,

But after they are produced, they have different names.

They both may be called deep and profound.

Deeper and more profound,

The door of all subtleties!”

Lao Tzu

  • What is Taoism?

    What is Taoism?

    Taoism is one of those world religions that sort of isn’t one. Many popular Chinese concepts are connected to Taoism and actually in many ways it’s like the Egyptian faith. The basic principle is acceptance of and living with the natural way. Lao-Tzu was its unofficial founder and one of the immortals that are venerated,…

  • Taoist Practice

    Taoist Practice

    There are many allegories in Taoism and much like Greek Gnosticism it is heavily experience based, though there are a body of philosophers, referred to as sages, who are viewed as having deep insight into the Tao, like Chuang-Tzu and other students of Lao Tzu. Does Taoism have monks and nuns like Buddhism? No, and…

  • A Taoist View

    A Taoist View

    I’ve been asked to describe a normal day of mine, or rather abnormal? My day actually starts in my night. I have some unusual conditions I deal with so taking a Taoist view helps me accept “my way” in life, since I can’t implement “common sense.” I’m autistic among other things. I always dream lucidly.…

  • Model of Tao

    Model of Tao

    Today we are talking about Taoism and biology, perhaps more specifically the Tao of biology. The idea that time had a beginning and moves in a linear fashion gives rise to a notion that life actually follows rules or heuristics of some sort. In your experience is this at all true, really? It seems more…

  • Genetic Drift

    Genetic Drift

    We are all familiar with the tooth and claw model of evolution. Even if its basis in concrete science is questionable, it has been adopted as a cultural value, one that still poisons us to this day. But there is another phenomena that plays into the theory of natural selection. The genetic replication process is…

  • No Death

    No Death

    They have yet to quantify life essence though attempts were made a few centuries ago to weigh the body before and after death to measure the soul. There has recently been a well documented and controlled case of NDE (near death experience). It was covered in a reputable magazine, but it will likely still remain…

  • Footprint of Resistance

    Footprint of Resistance

    The reason for biodiversity is simple, and the concept of entropy is proving more and more to be a falsehood. Everything that is possible must be expressed, and everything that is expressed must be expressed in the context of every other possible thing. If you remove or block any single thing (if that were even…

  • One With Tao

    One With Tao

    Taoism is Gnostic. They believe that your primary access to the Tao, and experience of the Tao, is through attention to your own nature, to your own behaviour. They believe that human beings are naturally compassionate beings, peace loving, and that other behaviour only arises to the degree that the person learns and begins practising…

  • Chinese Internal Alchemy

    Chinese Internal Alchemy

    Neidan is Chinese internal alchemy. It’s a Taoist practice originally, and has played a fundamental roll in their traditional medicine up to the present day. It could be viewed as a meditative practice, as opposed to waidan, which relates to medicines as we commonly think of them these days, herbs and such. The primary concern…