Brain, Mind and Experience
Can we say that ‘mind’ is just another word for ‘brain‘? I would debate that myself. I would say mind would be more akin to the morphogenetic field, and the body including the brain more of a mechanism and memory storage device. This is perhaps why the mind-body connection seems so mysterious. If you must…
Place of Humanity
The topic is an issue that comes up a lot, but is rarely given any formal answer for. Roughly, I will address the place of humanity in the universe. It can be argued that in order for man to arise (male and female), the universe itself had to satisfy rather unusual parameters. With all the…
Three Personality Types
There are three personality types over the two genders: phalic hysteric schizoid None are mental health issues and it could be said that: phalic = rage hysteric = feeling schizoid = cerebral Do you feel non identification with gender impulses? You may be genuinely and naturally schizoid. It doesn’t mean the other factors don’t matter.…
Elemental Nature
Having an elemental nature is just being alive. All people have an elemental nature, in that they break down into elements and merge uniquely. Life is a dance and everything dynamic. One may be an oceanic soul, another more earthy. Earth is very staid in your ways, resist pressure, firm in opinions. They like structure and…
Virtue and Vice
Yes, I have changed. I have reached a personal crisis, and it is here that I have had every idea or belief reduced to a bottom line. My instinct is fear. Now I have transcended that fear and thus transcended my old self, but I didn’t get it from being a good boy and believing…
Religion as Addiction
Is religion a new addiction of self image? Often times it is, from my observation. This is why modern organized religion is so troubled. In one case, I was taking my son to a daycare, very religious people and thought they could be trusted. They were in the atonement cycle. It turns out the male…
Feeling Safe
It is safe to say that both mortification of the flesh and the stock market crash are manifestations of something. We learn by testing. We learn by trial, and in the past there have been trials of all kinds. Now we are putting our trade on trial. People want to feel safe and will create risk…
Natural Rhythm
An example of a modern mortification of the flesh is caffeine. It tends to make us feel very alert, but also uncomfy. However, it is so taken for granted that it is little questioned in general, and we schedule our time and lives around an unnatural rhythm. It has a positive affect for some and…
Could our understanding of consciousness and soul evolution suggest that plants and trees are repositories of ancient wisdom? How might…