Category: Humble Opinion

Absorption Dysfunction

The advantage of the emotions is that they lead us astray.
Oscar Wilde

Why I Am Dysfunctional Today: I sometimes become intensely absorbed in some random train of thought.

This isn’t daydreaming. While I’m immersed in whatever mental tangent I am on, I lose touch with whatever my current reality is to the point that I don’t properly react to what’s going on around me. If it were daydreaming, I might potentially stumble along some train of novel ideation, but no… It’s just the same old beaten down obsessions. This can go on until I’m really sick of my own company.

People do tend to go on about self-esteem, but it’s only been in these moments of self revulsion that I have had the opportunity to reconnect with something more real and genuine than the noise in my head.

I tend to run off at the mouth in social situations, but when I get bored of my nonsense, it’s then that I really listen to other people. If nothing ever disturbed me or moved me to emotion, I fear my life would degenerate into an empty narcissistic mess. Even if this describes everyone’s life, isn’t it nice to have variety?

That‘s my dysfunctional self. What’s yours?

Travis Saunders
Dragon Intuitive

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