World Belief Topics

Our Culture, Beliefs and Ideas: I’m not actually a critic of the substance of any faith. I may criticise the form though. Wisdom or “gnosis” is where you find it. The word of God is written on the human heart. Wisdom is simple. It is the sign of true knowing. These beliefs don’t represent our personal opinion. We hope to represent them fairly to inform your path.

Anarchy to Zoroastrianism

Anarchy: No rule. No heirarchy. Freedom as a primary moral virtue. True democracy.

Ancient Egypt: Spiritual affinity for Anubis is instinctive recognition of a symbol that didn’t die.

Ancient India: Gods as agents of the dharma. Arose from one spirit that in its essence was not dual.

Atheism: There is no God. If you can’t see it, it isn’t there. Purpose is self determined.

Bon: Native Shamanism more concerned with personal state than the spirits. Concern for the soul.

Buddhism: Path of seeking and code of conduct. Liberation from attachment and pain.

Bushido: Diverse body of philosophy. Japanese Warrior Way. Agent of heaven. Transcendent dedication.

Cannibalism: Practiced more as a form of sacrament than an actual food driven practice.

Christ: God is love and thou art God. Love is peace. In finding peace you find God.

Confucianism: Concerned for public understanding. Values that put compassion first.

Cynicism: A life philosophy. Critics of institutions and citizens of the world. A path of virtue.

Demiurge: Created the separation, dividing the potentials. Demiurge is losing his hold.

Druidism: A wisdom tradition. Nature is the source of wisdom. Everything cycles.

Gnosticism: Individual emanation. Realization that we are not wrong. Seek liberation.

Gypsy: They seek to show God respect for their families to have peace and good health.

Hinduism: The Vedas teach that the soul is divine, only held in the bondage of matter.

Iconoclasm: Rejection of fixed descriptions. Not rejection of the essence of any ideal or principle.

Jainism: Jainism is a very naturalistic religion of Indian origin. The spiritual realities have substance.

Kabbalah: The universe exists as emanations of God. Speed up evolution by accepting a path.

Mayan: The purpose of the Mayan calendar was to keep the social and spiritual order.

Monism: Everything either is derived from a single thing or identical to that single thing.

Mystic Avatars: Divine manifesting in matter. Agents of the divine no longer “normal” humans.

Native American: The world as filled with spiritual power. Living with the land.

Norse Mythology: Valhalla or Hell! Morality based on personal accountability.

Rites: Rites of death, life and passage. Life and the soul continues. Go to the edge and do it on purpose.

Satanism: If anything the adversary is preserving peace and freedom. Isn’t that strange?

Scientism: Knowledge and truth can be arrived at by empirical method. Truth is objective.

Scientology: Liberation by realization. Testing and expanding the powers of the mind.

Shamanism: Spiritual, but not a religion. Very life anchored. Everything exists because it has life energy.

Shintoism: Shin = spirit, to = way. Reverence for the “kami”, the living spirits in the world.

Sikhism: God is the font of all reality. Seek truth in all things and become reunited with God.

Star Nations: Other sentient beings. Stories of contact, actual communication, even communion.

Stoicism: God is in the machine. The universe is alive. See reality clearly and be troubled by nothing.

Sufism: You are a living agent of God, and can fully live Gods way. Knowledge of God is available.

Sun Worship: A symbol of the supreme force. A living power revered in every culture.

Syncretism: An inclusive view of diverse schools of thought occurring even in antagonistic situations.

Tantra: Sharing your energies with another is very bonding. Yin and yang. Divine union.

Taoism: The Tao that can be told of is not the eternal Tao. Letting life flow, natural way.

Theosophy: The concept of divinity has both a divinity and naturalistic issue. Everything taking part.

Tradition: Know from where you came to know yourself. Tradition is alive and can serve as an aid.

Transhumanism: Human is as human does, not as human looks or is chemically composed.

Voodoo: An African Shamanism. Keeping of the peace. Treating the spirits as a part of the community.

Wicca: A syncretic religion having more focus on western European culture and traditions.

Yoga: You don’t choose a path, a path has already chosen you. It’s your nature. Know it.

Zeitgeist: Mans spirit of the age. A resource based economy and socially supportive technology.

Zen: There once was this Zen master sitting on a small stone bench. Zen is questions.

Zionism: The idea that God has promised land, and it’s ones sacred duty to either take or preserve it.

Zoroastrianism: Everything is working toward perfection and will inevitably reach it.

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