Daemon Explained

The word demon is a distortion of the Latin word daemon which was an order / level of beings between the Gods and humanity. The first natives of earth would be called daemons. In our early development they took a hand in our evolution as they saw humanity sprouting up on a great many of the world lines. So they figured they would attempt an intervention to smooth things for the entire world. Daemons are not a unified class of entities. They don’t all subscribe to the same agenda so they are of mixed reactions to humans now.

In the Greek system there were two classes of daemon; Calodaemons, the guides and supporters of humanity, Cacodaemons, the bringers of plague and hardship and the fomenters of civil unrest.

Angels and demons are both in fact daemons, and not all daemons have the same agenda. There are those who see this world as a big battery, and the life here as nothing more than a big resource and busily farm it for all the life force they can bleed. A parasitic and organized effort to funnel resources to their realm of existence. This is not really any different than humans treat their native neighbouring species. No big moralistic struggle. The daemons that actually had an initial vested interest in earth did and do work together. They both serve to play out human need for spiritual growth.

Socrates was said to be guided by a daemon, and he deferred to its words over any human. This was even considered a bit strange for that era. Strangely, he and his daemon didn’t believe in the gods as portrayed by the priesthood which were the inflated symbols of their egos and societal roles.

In theory, sort of like the golden compass, every human being can connect more and find their “daemon”. You will feel it when calm. When your mind is clear, your inner eye is clear.

Dragon Intuitive
One World, Many Paths

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