In Kahuna mysticism, they speak of having three bodies, not one. Your biological body has a consciousness. It is sort of like a critter, and doesn’t care where it goes potty. Then you have your middle self, the body that is what you think you are and makes all the normal judgements. Then there is the higher self. Part of you that sees the world from a big picture sort of view, and sometimes doesn’t look at the lower and middle self. It is often called the conscience, and wants things you otherwise swear you don’t want, and isn’t attached to your likes or dislikes. Since your body is self aware, it’s not actually crazy to talk to it. It can be reasoned with.
In my classes in general, I sort of invite people to question “common sense” and their “sanity”. I respect the one who embraces an idea then “doubts” or questions it. I am a Gnostic. I see a deep meaning in knowledge, and do not place human authority in a place it hasn’t demonstrated it can claim.
“The fact that an opinion has been widely held is no evidence whatever that it is not utterly absurd.”
Bertrand Russell (English Logician and Philosopher 1872-1970)
What does your self think? What questions should we ask? Leave a suggestion in the comment field below.

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