Loving or Loved?
Where does all this concern for dignity come from? We want to be loved? Be loved without being the person who needs the love? Self-defeating situation, no? We are social creatures. Even the lone wolves seek out other lone wolves. Yes. Really all of human thought is a road map of humanities social nature. So…
First Taught
I have to ask. What is dignity? Your personal level of respect? Knowing your values and what you will accept or not and how you treat others. Expectations. Conducting oneself with good values and respect for self and others. Composure, poise. An expectation we have of ourselves for “proper” behaviour, and that can vary between…
Okay Days
There are good days and there are bad days, and this is one of them. Lawrence Welk What I’m Hanging Hope On Today: Each day I wake up and notice how I feel. Every morning that state seems sort of random. Don’t get me wrong, there is some degree of continuity between one day and another.…
Not Returning to Humanity
What about those who don’t have guides to bring them back to the people? Generally one of two things happened. They would become lost and start behaving in ways that people would describe as demon possessed, or they would find it in themselves to fight off much of the influence they gathered and find some…
Going Out of Mind
Shall we explore a different divine madness/frame of mind? I will let you pick. Pick a process in the world or a location in nature. Glaciers melting. Ok, that works. Those who live in the glacial region of our planet once engaged in this process. They would go to the glacier and focus all their…
States of Divine Madness
Here is where I begin to get weird, but first off… All the traits we call psychotic are also naturally present in “normal” people. So what creates these possibilities in consciousness is completely natural, wouldn’t you say? I will offer that they are imprinted on us by the environment. They seem to be what psychiatrists…
Psychic vs Psychotic
Would you say that modern celebrity spiritual leaders show any sign of madness? Any televangelist, for a start, and how so? I wondered why Hare Krishnas give out carnations and what does it mean when you accept one? It means I have removed part of their motivation to accost people at random, to my point of…
Could our understanding of consciousness and soul evolution suggest that plants and trees are repositories of ancient wisdom? How might…