
Beliefs are all false? Belief is a belief. We will all adopt a stance on things, make decisions about how we behave. We come up with many names for what’s inside us and why, but it all works no matter how it’s viewed. The intuition shows but doesn’t speak.

Belief is certainty. Belief is not as divided from science as people claim it is. Belief has spurred all major scientific discovery. So why do they spurn it today? Action comes before awareness, so what causes action? The regulating factor in life is beyond us. What about the natural impact of the shift in indicator species on the overall ecosystem? Belief exists even in animals. If anything it is even more obvious with them.

The mind is too strong for us to see through its limitations and disbeliefs. So we find another center. There is consciousness beyond what we call mind. The mind is part of the body and it is good that it is strong. Means we have a chance to live. It has rhythms. Is strength stiffness? In that case the strongest people are buried in our cemeteries

“You can have anything you want if you will give up the belief that you can’t have it.” Dr. Robert Anthony

What were you thinking?

What were you thinking?What were you thinking?

When your imagination and your thought are in conflict, your imagination will inevitably win. You will choose behavior based on… Read More

Life Lived According to Facts

Life Lived According to FactsLife Lived According to Facts

It's very popular to declare that it's doesn't matter what a person believes, isn't it? That somehow there is more… Read More

Magical Thinkers

Magical ThinkersMagical Thinkers

One of the universal aspects of human cognition is we are all magical thinkers. No matter how rationalistic you may… Read More

Pleasure and Pain

Pleasure and PainPleasure and Pain

So, beliefs... Why do we form beliefs? Why do we seem to need them so badly? Meaning.  To provide coherence… Read More

Looking for Reference

Looking for ReferenceLooking for Reference

Is pain an absolute value? If pain is an absolute bad then we would never need to make a new… Read More

Sacrifice For Meaning

Sacrifice For MeaningSacrifice For Meaning

Is there nothing you would sacrifice your happiness for? Has happiness ever actually made you happy? There are many things,… Read More

You Crave Inference

You Crave InferenceYou Crave Inference

You crave inference because you crave identity. You crave survival. If this process of ongoing inference, ongoing assumption, is disrupted,… Read More

Meaning in Belief

Meaning in BeliefMeaning in Belief

Another example then. Only the existence of human life is good. Can I draw any further inference from that? There… Read More

Attempts at Connection

Goozle. That interjection, does that have meaning?   Only if I relate it to "Google" or some such word. I will… Read More

Inferences Create Your Frame of Reference

Your inferences create your frame of reference. Those things you have denied create your problems. Anything you felt you must… Read More