Blood Magic

In a very broad sense blood magick is life magick. It’s primary principle is vitalism. The concept that life energy is universal and elemental. Blood magick is considered to be able to give life to intention. There is a lot of blood related belief still out there, and little of it is based on actual experience as people have largely abandoned the old blood rites. What more proof of the power of blood than it’s life saving properties? What more proof of the wisdom in the way of blood than the truths we have learned about life based on the study of blood.

The three instincts that we have when we see red, when we see blood, are lust, fear, and hunger. All blood practices put you in touch with one of these forces, and let you channel and even perhaps transform these forces. We have instincts for the order of blood. Our prey should bleed, even our enemy should bleed, but our tribe should not bleed. Our family should not bleed. We fear blood because we fear the breaking of the life bond, the covenant between body and spirit.

“Of all writings I love only that which is written with blood. Write with blood: and you will discover that blood is spirit.” Friedrich Nietzsche (German classical Scholar, Philosopher, 1844-1900.)

“If the blood humor is too strong and robust, calm it with balance and harmony.” Xun Zi

Way Of Blood

The topic of blood magic is pretty broad, so I thought it might help focus if we start with questions… Read More

Essence Of Life

The interaction with blood does not require blood shed though in the past that was involved, and people were much… Read More

Blood Ritual

It is pretty gross that they want me to drink Jesus' blood. The ritual drinking of Jesus' blood was considered to… Read More

Plague And Blood

What is plague magick? Plague magick and blood magick are mirror opposites. Where blood magick gives life, plague magick blights… Read More

Blood Drinkers

Shall we go into the blood suckers? They are not of the blood, but they are of the earth, of… Read More


A vampire is like a spirit who has possessed their own body? Exactly. This is perhaps an explanation of psychic… Read More

Trial By Ordeal

Shall we discuss combat magic which is blood magic? Trial by ordeal, ritual combat, even war time spirituality. Ritual combat… Read More

Reactions To Blood

We have three possible reactions to blood, and all blood ritual is an expression and mastery of one of these… Read More

Order Of Blood

As far as positive blood magick practices, meditation and breath control are a given. Yoga and tai-chi, as well as… Read More