Dark Druids

There were two schools in Druid thought. The summer court focused on harmony and peace, and the majority of Druids embraced a wisdom that reflected this. This is why Druids came to be known predominantly as peace keepers. The lesser known and less adhered to was the winter court, those who tried to get a handle on the cycle of blood and by extension death in the land.

The winter court could also be called the path of blood. This Druid might become so engrossed in the cycle of conflict, life, and death that the wisdom of their judgements might begin to falter.

Read more on Druidism in World Belief.

“Lead, follow, or get out of the way.” Arthur Pendragon, The Trials of Arthur.

Druid Evolution

Druidism was the European outgrowth of the Indo-Aryan migration and evolved independently of its parent culture over time. Whereas those… Read More

First Judges

As followers of the Druids grew in their understanding, they developed special insights into the world and reality in general.… Read More

Druid Winter and Summer Courts

There were generally two schools in Druid thought. The summer court focused on harmony and peace, and the majority of… Read More

Path of Blood

Some of the Druid winter court did become sort of "shell shocked" if you will. This is why the winter… Read More