Active Agent Of Education
Today, we aren’t talking about the state of the institution that we call education. We are talking about the process and the path. Talking about the institution would devolve into a long and pointless rant, I feel. First, let’s look at what we consider the active agent of education, the educator. The role of the…
Death Of The Mind
During the renaissance, there was a radical backlash against instituted knowledge. What was considered common sense was passionately thrown out the window. Like science? Indeed, but in the renaissance, science was called natural philosophy. It was simply the belief that humanity could learn things by looking at various parts of nature, as well as thinking…
Failure of Education
Unfortunately today, people have to find a path of education in their hobbies rather then their employment. Yes, but some path is better than no path. Regrettably, they just reproduce what they are accustomed to, and Grandmas knitting becomes a subject of anxiety for her. A way to prove that she’s still valuable to her…
Thinking Is An Art
First know yourself, then find like minds. They need education too. But you don’t need to be educated, and you don’t need to educate others. You can take ownership of your thought just by deciding to. It is not so much about what you know, but who you know for getting work in a field…