
You have two flows you deal with as an individual. The first is the process by which you maintain your sense of orientation in the world, your habitual thoughts and feelings as well as memory as it arises throughout the day. The other aspect of flow that runs alongside our stream of thought is our flow of attention. Engagement is necessary to experience flow. There has to be movement, motivation, intention, and whatever moves you internally or externally can start the state of flow which can then extend through long parts of the day.

When we are in flow, the events that arise from behaviour that stems from flow are more coherent, more readily recognized by others around us, and they create both a sense of security and vibrant life. We could have a living system, a fully conscious system, but we would need to start by respecting ourselves and practicing flow.

“The quality of the imagination is to flow and not to freeze” Ralph Waldo Emerson (American Poet, Lecturer and Essayist, 1803-1882)

“A laugh, to be joyous, must flow from a joyous heart, for without kindness, there can be no true joy” Thomas Carlyle (Scottish Historian and Essayist, 1795-1881)

Aspects of Flow

Aspects of FlowAspects of Flow

Today, we are talking about flow. What do you think of when you hear the word flow? What does it… Read More

Engagement is Necessary

Engagement is NecessaryEngagement is Necessary

I have found in the morning, if I eat, brush my teeth, do some squats and yoga, and drink my… Read More

Morph Perception

Morph PerceptionMorph Perception

I find it’s best to keep to myself when I'm angry, and just write my thoughts down on paper, because… Read More

Our Personal Composition

Our Personal CompositionOur Personal Composition

How is it we don’t all change dramatically with every little shift of events? You are given a brush and… Read More

Flow Links Us

Flow Links UsFlow Links Us

Our flow links us. When we are in flow, the events that arise from behaviour that stems from flow are… Read More

Big Change Starts Small

Big Change Starts SmallBig Change Starts Small

The source that inspired the ancient sages is not gone, but old progress perhaps cannot be retrieved and is perhaps… Read More