
You have no reality beyond your masks. In every situation, in every environment, you adapt or adopt a persona which is just another word for mask. We acquire our masks from two different sources. The masks like you see in voodoo are inspired by human observation of nature. The other set of masks is derived from the relatively new domain of human “conscious’ thought. Very primitive and impressionistic masks all wind up resembling death masks.

Let’s remove all masks from everything. What would life be like? It would be a formless world. The original meaning of the word soul in Greek was a reference to form, otherwise you have formless matter. All forms take on you. Everyone is possessed. This is the substance of our being.

“Although I know it’s unfair, I reveal myself one mask at a time.” Stephen Dunn

“Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.” Oscar Wilde

What Are Masks?

What Are Masks?What Are Masks?

Today we are discussing masks. What are masks? A disguise of our identity. I must admit, the first mask that… Read More

Sources of Masks

Sources of MasksSources of Masks

Masks were not created by us. Our oldest traditions as human beings involved masks of some kind. We only arrive… Read More

Formless World

Formless WorldFormless World

To close the gap between masks and identity, there is another tool of the shaman called a fetish. Cultures the… Read More

Forms People Take

Forms People TakeForms People Take

What sort of forms do people take? Authority. The king or god. Status. Lover. How much wisdom do these forms… Read More

Second Life Forms: Death and Wolf

Second Life Forms: Death and WolfSecond Life Forms: Death and Wolf

Let’s use our Second Life forms right now, shall we? You might be surprised about how much of the form… Read More

Second Life Forms: Fairy, Ghost and Clown

Second Life Forms: Fairy, Ghost and ClownSecond Life Forms: Fairy, Ghost and Clown

Tell us about life as a fairy. My first thought is that my first Halloween costume as a child was… Read More

Masks Pick You

Masks Pick YouMasks Pick You

Remember the two kingdoms of masks I spoke of earlier? Nature and death. Also, mind and body. Any words will be… Read More

Mask of True Power

Mask of True PowerMask of True Power

Imagine with me if you will. You are sick in bed. Your bed has been moved to the center of… Read More

Choose from the Web

Choose from the WebChoose from the Web

Crow is a liberator, a herald of change. After crow comes the great serpent, also known as the dragon. I've had… Read More

Adopting Traits

I will start with a question. How much of what you know yourself as is something you chose to be?… Read More