
Brain needs to ‘see it’, heart needs to ‘feel it’, stomach needs to ‘want it’. The world itself has three levels of existence. With the concept of synchronicity you realize that the idea of external isn’t really true. Synchronicity is why it seems like things “happen to you”. All events start in one of your three brains, and consciousness and events in the material world tend to synchronize.

“I am open to the guidance of synchronicity, and do not let expectations hinder my path.” Dalai Lama (Head of the Dge-lugs-pa order of Tibetan Buddhists, 1989 Nobel Peace Prize, b.1935)

Synchronicity Brains

Synchronicity is in a way very simple. It’s an observation that events in consciousness and events in the material world… Read More

Heart Synchronicity

How do we change a thinking "skeme"? The way you change a thinking pattern is the same way you form… Read More

Detant Breaker

The third point was supposed to be the detant breaker. The brain in the head was supposed to allow complete… Read More

Gaia Brain

Last month when I asked you why my synchronicities were happening at a faster rate, you explained that the 'knots'… Read More

Working with Synchronicity

Knowing that all events start in one of my brains, if I have any event I don't like (health or… Read More