
Kali is she who is time and change, and in essence energy, where her consort is matter. Shiva is her consort. Change is possible due to the interaction between Shiva and Kali.

Kali is time, the great mother. She is universally depicted as being very dark, like a deep clouded night sky or deep oblivious sleep. She came into being before Shiva, before matter. Without Kali, Shiva lies dead, matter loses life and meaning. Without Shiva, Kali’s potential remains empty, vast but without substance to manifest awareness in.

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The Gods Move

I will describe things in a way that some traditionalist may object to. I don't mean to offend anyone by… Read More

Kali Unites

Kali is seen as a destroyer not because of any evil in her. She is well above the potential for… Read More

Kali Is In You

Shall we move onto practice? Have I described the nature and character of Kali? Well, besides serving as a model… Read More