
Life consists of two aspects. The phenomena, or that which is evident to the senses, and the pneuma, or that which lends character, substance, behaviour, or animation. The pneuma sets the form of material existence, and is not bound by the little sparks of energy that we think of as the loci of phenomena. The pneuma collapses into various states that are us as individuals.

You are not an object. You are not a body. You are not a memory or a history. You are not a creation of a artificer or artificial God. You are not the product of some mysterious mechanics. You are living meaning, not living thinking. You are here, because here is here.

“What difference is there, do you think, between those in Plato’s cave who can only marvel at the shadows and images of various objects, provided they are content and don’t know what they miss, and the philosopher who has emerged from the cave and sees the real things?” Desiderius Erasmus (Dutch Priest, Humanist and Editor of the New Testament, 1469-1536)

Lost In The Real

The topic is the cosmic pneuma. Weird sounding topic I know, but I will explain. Life consists of two aspects.… Read More

World Of The Pneuma

I have always felt that God is an internal presence, so we are omniscient as far as God is. But… Read More

Pneumatic Interface

Your pneuma merges with that of all other entities. It is omnipresent. Like the holy ghost of Christian philosophy? Somewhat.… Read More

Living Meaning

All energy falls into the baseline field. The zero-point energy field which is a constant non-degrading carrier wave. What my… Read More

Relationship to Pneuma

Our relationship to pneuma comes down to time. Time as an object doesn’t exist. Time is a dialogue and exchange.… Read More

Culture The Energy

There are consequences for the influence of our focus, and humans are not graceful viewers. They are not the only… Read More