Category: Ogham

The ogham script is the written form of the old Irish language. It is thought of as a “tree” script as many of its characters are named after trees, and the form the characters take resemble the forked branches of a tree. The presence of the ogham script has been traced back to date as far back as two centuries BC. It’s believed that a lot of the found examples of ogham were coded messages to those still loyal to their old ways, easily read by those they intended to but indecipherable to Roman authorities.

  • Acting to Preserve the Balance

    Acting to Preserve the Balance

    Much of the world’s oldest lore is difficult to fully comprehend in our era, difficult but not impossible. Tonight we are talking about the ogham script, the written form of the old Irish language. It is thought of as a “tree” script for two reasons. Many of its characters are named after trees, and the…

  • Relationship of Trees

    Relationship of Trees

    Can you give us a bit of a chronological time-frame for ogham script? Neo-lithic? Ah, well the exact origin hasn’t been firmly established, but to date the presence of the ogham script has been traced as far back as two centuries BC. In fact, it’s commonly believed that a lot of the found examples of…

  • Intuit the Message of the Earth Mother

    Intuit the Message of the Earth Mother

    Just as nature was understood by the trees in the forest, language was understood by the characters in the words, and different combinations of characters, even if they didn’t actually make recognizable words, were still thought to have power, to make an impact. The creation of words and speech was seen as no different as…

  • Culture of Story

    Culture of Story

    This culture of the druids feels to me like Pantheism or maybe Animism? I believe the word is panentheism, pan•en•the•ism/ Noun: The belief or doctrine that God is greater than the universe and includes and interpenetrates it. In fact, the concept is similar to that described in old Judaism, poorly understood these days. In the Bible,…