Cause and Effect
Life seems naturally contiguous. Thought and mood and action and reaction, there is no break in that cycle that I can see. Like we are all dancing to the same mad piper in the middle of a fairy ring made of the dust of individuality and self respect. This song is picked up without much…
Force Of First Cause
Magick is the esoteric component of any activity. There have been magickal practices involved in fishing, hunting, building, you name it. If it’s old enough, it has a magick connected to it, and there are even some new magics. Today, we are talking about one of the oldest systems on the planet. No body knows…
Web of Cause and Effect
Today we are talking about fatalism, and yes, it was inevitable. 😛 There are questions of causality that come up in any magickal practice. Sort of the principle of damned if you do and damned if you don’t, and some think that any magickal practice flies in the face of these notions. Especially when it…
Cause Is and Isn’t There
How do we switch our state into problem solving? We’re heavily taught more to problem solve then to create. You switch your state into problem solving with the realization of a condition in which that event, whatever it is, is permitted. It can be a useful practice to deliberately imagine problems. Practice that. It might get uncomfortable though,…