Tag: druid

  • Druid View

    Druid View

    Druidism both is, and isn’t, a religion. It originated in a culture that didn’t originally have the Roman Catholic view of religion. It‘s perhaps more accurate to say it’s a wisdom tradition, sort of like a western Taoism. Shamanistic? Yes, in a sense, but not as strictly grounded as that. They had a long standing,…

  • Druid Paths

    Druid Paths

    Sort of like Indian mysticism, the Druid recognized that spirituality isn’t a single path. They acknowledged three. The Druid as we know the word, who was the keeper of observances and the village Sage. The Ovate who was more like the Native American Shaman, seeker of spirits and signs, and psychopomp or spirit guide to…

  • Druid Practice

    Druid Practice

    Divination by Druids was to see the spiritual forces in the world, and it was often for healing. They didn’t see disease as a punishment from God that you should just take because you deserve it. They saw it as an imbalance. So any plague, or famine, or what not, was cause for divination, and…

  • Druid Creed

    Druid Creed

    It’s hard to say much that’s absolute about Druid creed, because as part of their creed they were not absolutist thinkers. The culture the Druids would be most like is the Magi, and they would often later be called Magi in Latin records of them. They were rationalists, but not materialists. Before the advent of…

  • Druid Evolution

    Druid Evolution

    Druidism was the European outgrowth of the Indo-Aryan migration and evolved independently of its parent culture over time. Whereas those who migrated southeast into India came to establish the Brahminical tradition as well as the gurus and sadhus and what have you, those tribes that headed northwest brought the same traditions but came to understand…

  • Druid Winter and Summer Courts

    Druid Winter and Summer Courts

    There were generally two schools in Druid thought. The summer court focused on harmony and peace, and the majority of Druids embraced a wisdom that reflected this. This is why Druids came to be known predominantly as peace keepers. The lesser known and less adhered to was the winter court, those who tried to get…