Tag: enlightenment

  • Enlightenment


    There are stories where the Zen master says something, and the student is said to be ‘enlightened’.  In that moment the words didn’t matter as much as the students thinking, and what will do that for any student differs. This is why you see the symbol of the dorje or lighting bolt in Buddhism, because…

  • Learning, Education, Enlightenment

    Learning, Education, Enlightenment

    When I give my talks I tend to just go with the flow of inspiration, regrettably it means I sometimes “leave no trace”, even in my own mind. I like the format of these discussions, going with the flow. It gives all a chance to talk and is more interactive. People learn by doing, not…

  • Stages of Enlightenment

    Stages of Enlightenment

    Enlightenment is not a set of achievements to be reached for. In truth, the effort to reach for enlightenment would itself keep the understanding from manifesting in your experience. Enlightenment is not something that requires some sort of otherworldly supernatural intervention. I speak of stages because it does seem to occur in steps, like a…

  • Animal Range of Enlightenment

    Animal Range of Enlightenment

    Animals, as we call them, range over the realm of instinct and emotion freely, and we can even witness them reaching into the realm of contemplation, easiest understood for us when watching the behaviour of other simians. You will perhaps notice that octopi are capable of some degree of problem solving, but as an octopus…