Tag: lessons

  • Calming the Mind: Lessons from the Sea by Jacob Mojiwat

    Calming the Mind: Lessons from the Sea by Jacob Mojiwat

    Spending time underwater changes your perspective on life. It may sound trite to say that it’s peaceful under the sea, or that diving to the depths brings me to my own inner depths, but it’s very true. Since I’ve been diving, I find I’ve become much more philosophical about certain things. I think that is…

  • Learn the Lessons of Confronting Death

    Learn the Lessons of Confronting Death

    The purpose, and the surviving power of the death defiance practice and its respective rituals, comes from an unspoken understanding. A modern example would perhaps be the psychedelic counter culture. Neuroscience is making some really meaningful discoveries, and extreme physical experience can trigger in us the same sort of responses that psychedelic trips can, with…