Tag: metaphysics

  • Theatre of Metaphysics

    Theatre of Metaphysics

    Ever actor has a role. There is no movie without these roles. Roles are “spirits.” We recognize the role of every character in theatre without being told. It’s quite easy, because the “spirit” of the role is real. There is not this father or that father. These aren’t the spirit. There is “the father.” There…

  • Dark Side Of Metaphysics

    Dark Side Of Metaphysics

    In the virtual world of Second Life and across the internet, you can find plenty of sources for the rainbows and unicorns style of metaphysics, and you can find almost as much that falls in the grey area, that being heavily sponsored by corporate interests. But there are very few frank and well reasoned discussions…

  • Metaphysics Of Sport

    Metaphysics Of Sport

    The topic is sport. I would like to invite you first to share your personal definition of sport. I usually think of it as physical competition although that is often debated. Sport could mean play as in being a good or bad sport. Fair or foul play. Competition too, even if just with yourself. Indeed, self challenge…

  • Scientific Metaphysics

    Scientific Metaphysics

    What would a scientific metaphysics look like? Any ideas? Simply testing the metaphysical theories to see if they are reproducible. If they are, then coming up with hypothesis as to why they are. See if they recur reliably to actually have predictive value, even if they don’t seem to be logical. You change the theory to…

  • Schism Between Science and Metaphysics

    Schism Between Science and Metaphysics

    Is everyone familiar with what metaphysics is? The why? It’s the branch of philosophy that focuses specifically on the concepts we use to understand reality itself, rather than what might be the best way to do something. Science was originally classified as a philosophy, in my opinion it still is, but many object to the…

  • Metaphysics of Science Topic Interests

    Metaphysics of Science Topic Interests

    In a holograph does time exist? No. Only in linear analysis of a hologram can time exist. So reality is a hologram? Yes. One section of a broader base image arising on and emerging from a pre-existing infrastructure. I heard one theory that time is a hologram of the final universe projected backwards so that…