Tag: natures

  • Natures Wisdom

    Natures Wisdom

    We often dilute the bodies wisdom and thus natures wisdom, by deluding ourselves that thought is superior to instinct. That wisdom is something we achieve. That we can gain it by being educated, “smart”. All mysticism and wisdom traditions contradict this. It arises from the dominance of scientism today, and modern scientists are weak substitutes…

  • Natures Night Side

    Natures Night Side

    The title we gave this series might be a bit misleading. Night guides actually refers to animals guides, and as with everything in the subject of dark metaphysics, we will be discussing the darker side of that phenomenon. A bit of clarification, as we have had some misunderstanding here before, I don’t teach or glorify…

  • Natures Brain

    Natures Brain

    Here we can interact with an order that is infinitely greater than an organic brain. We can find ways not only to control our world, but we could be promoting the refinement of life in general, the evolution and wellbeing of all life on our planet. We have the potential to uncover self-awareness on a…