Tag: others

  • Intimacy With Others

    Intimacy With Others

    Some people do enter into intimacy in their relationships, and they do change as a new relationship begins. If you are conscious you choose differently. You become conscious of your patterns by allowing your feelings fully. You can’t experience what you won’t let yourself have. If you’re busy flipping the light switch what will you see…

  • Helping Others

    Helping Others

    Let’s focus for a moment on resistance. Withholding. If a child reaches to me in fear and I reject them, what do I gain? Nothing. So is it in my best interest to be cold? If an old person sits in hunger and I have more food than I ever need, but I won’t share…

  • Sensitivity to Others

    Sensitivity to Others

    We are going to talk about rejection. There is a lot of popular thought that would play rejection off as having no real meaning or consequence, but both personal experience and recent scientific research suggests otherwise. To get to the point, our body-mind, such as it is, has evolved to include in its sense of…