Two Schools Of Hermeticism
The dark and light schools of the hermetic seeker do have modern counterparts, and the two schools also have two facets each. The seekers who gave emphasis to the forces of light were known as theurgists, and later as priests. Among the light oriented seekers the two facets are the puritans, or those who seek…
Self-Actualization Schools of Thought
We have highly developed brains, so much so that they have grown wild and even to some degree choke themselves out. Or so we think. Oh, highly developed doesn’t necessarily mean good. They can be good, but whether they are or not is something to be looked at on a case by case basis, like…
Schools of Atomism
Atomism was metaphysics before it was ever incorporated into what we call science now. It grew out of lines of thinking about the ultimate substance of reality, and took many forms in both western and eastern culture. There were two basic schools of atomism. One group being those that favoured a materialist and deterministic world…