Category: Darkness

Defeat of Ego


Is the frustration invalid because it’s “bad“? Some people avoid any and all frustration like they aren’t allowed to be frustrated for some reason. I can get very frustrated, but I have no reason to resent anyone. I can’t blame them for options I don’t have because I do have them, and I take them. If I had not taken it up myself, I would be a product of the system, but my temperament flew in the face of rote education.

Does a placid person seek more than what they are immediately offered? The placid person is never disturbed. The placid person is a cultivated front. You may know people who fake it. There are people who take refuge in a “placid” stance, and even claim moral superiority in it. The “everything is always okay” syndrome. Are these healthy people in your view? To make a silly movie lampoon “I see breakable people … they are everywhere .. but they don’t know they are breakable!” (Sixth Sense) I see stress daily. In everyone to some degree and many people on the verge of breaking, and they call me strange for wanting to stay home.

There is another option, and it is the basis of a lot of mysticism. You can knowingly and deliberately let yourself break. Let there be a defeat of ego.  Do it more often in smaller ways. We can’t heal without respecting the pain. This happens with doctors sometimes. You say my stomach hurts and they say it’s in your head. How well does that work? We are whole people not parts, and if you would see great good in yourself, you would also need to accept the presence of the darkness.

Society has broken us into parts and teaches a bad lesson. And worse than seeing our bodies as parts, they see our minds that way too, and teach us that is the way things are with people.

Your thoughts are welcome. Be well friends.

Travis Saunders
Dragon Intuitive

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