Ka Manawa Kokua (The Time of Sharing)
MaiLe Firehawk has returned to share some of what she has learned and practiced as a Hawaiian woman in this life and time. Blessed with a childhood on the island of Kaua’i, where a ‘village did raise us’, she will share tales of Hawaiian values of spirit, mind and body. The meeting time will also be sprinkled with a Hawaiian word or chant, here and there. Come experience a touch of Hawaii. E komo mai !!
Genuine seekers and open minds are welcome. Entrance fee is courtesy and respect. Relax and learn Tuesday at 2:00pm SLT.
Bookmark the event calendar and follow the One World Twitter for ongoing updates.
Update: This event is no longer regularly scheduled, but please watch in-world notices.
We are continuing to recruit more teachers. If you or someone you know is interested in holding a class and you think it will compliment our purpose, contact Seth Haalan in Second Life.
Be well friends,
Dragon Intuitive