Your Reality is the Unknown
Gravitating to the Known. How do you know when you are talking about the unknown? Perhaps another question. How do you feel about the unknown? There is a lot of theorizing. Excellent point.Excited, challenged.Maybe you think of more questions than answers when something is unknown.It’s often more interesting than the known, and the questions are…
Can We Live Without Violence?
Can You Describe Violence? What is violence? Violence is doing harm to others.Violence is upset of balance.Violence is an act driven by hate.It is a negative feeling. So a surgeon is committing violence? If a surgeon stopped mid way, yes.He is fixing what is wrong.Or if the surgeon were doing it for sadistic pleasure. They…
Face the World with Cheer
The original meaning of the word cheer, was face, referring to a general attitude of whatever nature. So if you have read much Shakespeare say, you may have read some uses of the word that wouldn’t make sense to the modern thinker, but made complete sense then, and really still does.
Spiritual State
I have experienced a spiritual state. A variety of issues sort of gave me no choice. I used to suffer seizures, irregular theta waves. Those are what make you “unconscious” or at rest, but it wasn’t the sleep cycle. I wasn’t asleep. I was sort of scared, not even aware of my body. I experienced a shift…
Action and Rest
I have an issue of action to share. Recently, I had an issue with a loss of trust. Major broad spectrum loss of trust. It was activating me like crazy. I didn’t like feeling so badly about people, even about people I love. Well, no amount of action was going to fix that. I was…
Focus of our Attention
What can we focus our attention on? We don’t actually ever focus it on objects, it’s too abstract. The brain always processes any sensory data well before we are even aware of the object. It is how it is supposed to function. Matter isn’t a valid choice for awareness focus. So seems we are in a…
Belief, Reality and our Evolution
Magic or Shamanism is where we started. There were no worries about who was in charge as we didn’t have time. Our initial instincts were good, but then as we got organized and formed nations, the spirit had to have a boss and that served socially. It allowed for great strides in cooperation, but we…
Belief and Science
Does anyone have a strong belief that seems contradicted by life? Say, you believe in the law of attraction. Really invested in the idea of the law of attraction, but you perceive that it doesn’t seem to work? I’m not so sure that life contradicts what I believe, rather than most people’s perceptions – the ‘common’ view…
Could our understanding of consciousness and soul evolution suggest that plants and trees are repositories of ancient wisdom? How might…