Out of Sync
In what do you move? In what do you think? What is the difference? There are well respected neuroscientists who are now saying that the brain has only one purpose, to let you move. Nothing else, just to structure movement. That’s probably all they understand of the brain at this point. What is the difference…
You Are The Dream
The reality we witness in the digital world is an accelerated reflection of the processes that precede human emotion, that occur before human ideation and imagination. Every bit of information you perceive in the internet, before you ever make a decision to do anything with it, before you are even aware that you remember it,…
Greater Reality in Energy
Honestly, I have a very important question for materialistic scientists. If determinism is universal, then how is scientific understanding valid? Nothing in nature led us to believe in cars or air planes, nothing concrete in our nature or behaviours, no structure in our deterministic brains would have allowed this behaviour to ever have been expressed.…
Life Facets
Does life seem single faceted? Sometimes, yes. Not mine. No. If it is not singular in it’s face, then how many faces does it have? If it has more than one face, how do we know which one is real? I’d say the faces are infinite and the one that is real is the one…
Access to Core Consciousness
My last post was a lot of preamble, but my point is, my personal insight is, that you have ready access to your genuine core consciousness in your hypnagogic state. In your instinctive reactions when your conscious mind is not generating static, when you aren’t just consuming and regurgitating the same old meaningless anxieties, this…
Spiritual Strength in Hypnagogic Experience
Mystics of the past were very often seen as “touched.” Originally described as being touched by the gods or spirits, a term we now sometimes use to describe insanity, and we even say that there is a fine line between genius and insanity, or even none at all. The thing people desire most is also…
Views of Desire/Distress
Life is driven by desire. It could be argued to be the single most formative influence in the natural world as well as the artificial world that humanity has made for itself. You would think we would have a handle on such a fundamental aspect of human experience, no? Part of why we lack understanding…
Could our understanding of consciousness and soul evolution suggest that plants and trees are repositories of ancient wisdom? How might…