Category: Mania

The split between the light and the dark is not moral. It’s innate, a reflection of temperament. Light aligns with the catatonia coping strategy, dark with the mania coping strategy. There are those who because of their biochemistry and neural architecture are driven to action, exertion of their will in any situation they are aware of. Now wisdom would require moderation, but can they learn this moderation from those who follow the light?

Denial of one’s maniacal tendencies because people tell them those should be expunged from their mind, what good does that do?

“I have spent my life going from mania to mania. Somehow it has all paid off.” Ray Bradbury

“Mania is a wonderful feeling.” Jeff Bridges

  • Line Between Sacred and Profane Arts

    Line Between Sacred and Profane Arts

    Today’s subject is not just about general mania, and mania isn’t as dramatic or obvious as people might think. There is a condition medical types refer to as hypomania. The person is generally very much in control of themselves, just very focused and ambitious with intense emotional states cropping up, but again no loss of…

  • Coping Strategy

    Coping Strategy

    In my view, the world is full of paths. All are true and proper components of reality. Paths of light and shadow, creation and elimination. All dynamics have to take their place in the cycle of things. It is also my view that different beings naturally align with different phases of the grand cycle, like…

  • Maniac Struggles

    Maniac Struggles

    To elaborate on my statement about morality not being the split between the light and dark, many who knowingly take a dark view of the world do so for moral reasons. They actually do it to preserve their sense of morality. They feel a compulsion to preserve some shred of justice. They commit to making…

  • What Common Ground?

    What Common Ground?

    Perhaps an experiential example… They have tested this under functional magnetic resonance imaging (FMRI). They have deliberately set up a pattern recognition test. In the test they set up a group to participate in the testing, but only one is a test subject. The rest are knowing controls. While under FMRI, they flash a set…

  • Common Ground in Perception

    Common Ground in Perception

    Would my self-identification be welcome? I am one of those action oriented types. My developmental disorder has created conditions that denied “stability” from day one. Most who fall into my medical category actually shut down completely. It isn’t catatonia. They have an “allergy” to any sensory impression, everything is pain, and everything is too much…

  • My Perception of Humanity

    My Perception of Humanity

    It takes me a great deal to really believe in people’s innocence or good intentions, but I can understand someone else’s purity. If I let myself experience that moment fully with them, I can feel the genuine loving motive, and although I know it will pass, I can allow that genuine good moment to exist…