Natures Night Side
The title we gave this series might be a bit misleading. Night guides actually refers to animals guides, and as with everything in the subject of dark metaphysics, we will be discussing the darker side of that phenomenon. A bit of clarification, as we have had some misunderstanding here before, I don’t teach or glorify…
Gifts from the Earth Mother
For those who may feel they have no connection with an animal guide, some clarity is in order. In the shamanic model of the world and reality, everything you have, every gift, talent, trait, was received by you as a gift from the earth mother herself. So if you are spry, you got that from…
Place of All Fear
Now a brief aside on nocturnal creatures then we will discuss individual beings. Nocturnal creatures represent a minority of presences in our world. The reason the night dwelling creatures are associated with fear is because they are associated with death and what do we fear more than death? The Mesoamerican name for the realm of the…
Keepers of Your Initiation
How can you discover a totem? They show up in your behavior and aptitudes, in your dreams, and sometimes even in your physical relationships. Discovering ones totem is a deep process in a way. Is it always another living thing? No. It can be a type of tree, or some spirit of the wind, or…