Category: Morality

Your memories of your life are filled with memetic content. All these little bits of information, story, and experience work together to shape your thoughts and feelings on everything. Most conventional models of morality are a special and exceptionally intense set of memetic reinforcements. Our culture develops a set of beliefs that speak to what it supposedly means to have a heart or soul, and more often than not, when someone reflects on whether they are making the right decision or not, they reference this body of beliefs. People rarely invent new beliefs about right and wrong.

“Morality is the herd-instinct in the individual.” Friedrich Nietzsche (German classical Scholar, Philosopher and Critic of culture, 1844-1900.)

“What is morality in any given time or place? It is what the majority then and there happen to like, and immorality is what they dislike” Alfred North Whitehead (British Mathematician and Philosopher, 1861-1947)

  • Memetic Content

    Memetic Content

    Everyone familiar with memetics? It’s like genetics but relates to the communication and reproduction of units of culture, information and communication. Your memories of your life are filled with memetic content, popular music, scenarios from commercials on television, movie scenes both old and new, as well as stories and images from events that were considered…

  • Memetic Reinforcements

    Memetic Reinforcements

    We have our own personal filters. We form these filters unconsciously. They are digested thumbnail maps, or pictures of life, and our experiences with any specific set of circumstances. We may feel good in the kitchen because one of our filters tells us we know what to do there and we do it well. On…

  • Truth Exists

    Truth Exists

    Is it fair to say that the phrase “truth is relative” has become pretty viral? How often do we hear the phrase “truth is relative”? It’s become a rule of modern society, and it’s the basis of current social engineering. They want you to accept this view. If you accept the concept that truth is…

  • Speak Human

    Speak Human

    Shall I go into the social control mechanism and how you personally can use it? That inner instinctive mind, they speak to by painting pictures of situations that shift your behaviour, can be influenced by you with your own deliberate thought. Would you say nurturing a tulip or a house plant is moral? The behaviour our societal morality leads…

  • Reflecting Memetic Messages

    Reflecting Memetic Messages

    We mimic the memes our parents live in until we are mature enough to form our own. Or you start becoming aware of how other people sound like them if your aversion to your own childhood raising is strong enough. Most people, as awkward as their raising was, still had something in it they liked. Children…

  • Moral Behaviour

    Moral Behaviour

    Previously we discussed morality in the memetic context, more or less with the notion that morality is memetic. Though that is not the total truth, it’s more specifically a human truth. Which doesn’t mean morality is exclusively human. So I will ask, have any of you witnessed what you would consider moral behaviour in animals? I think…

  • Déjà vu Sense

    Déjà vu Sense

    In a sense, deja vu is literally true, because you did see whatever it was before your thinking mind caught up with it, and sometimes that lag is noticeable. But this is where we get into today’s topic proper on primal morality. Sometimes deja vu seems to involve understanding that we don’t feel like we…

  • Reassembling the Pages

    Reassembling the Pages

    Ever notice whenever you are around a lot of life, you can feel something almost like a tide or flow of energy? This sense of life energy is natural. Humans haven’t totally blinded themselves. They just are very well trained. Like those horses used to pull carriages in cities, they sharply limit the information sensed…

  • Cancer is in the Details

    Cancer is in the Details

    Anyone familiar with Australian aboriginal dream time? This is the seat of the concept of primal morality. They believe that the stories they relate about the creation of the world happened in the past, which is happening right now, but we can’t see the past with our current awareness, not our normal state of mind.…

  • Primal Morality

    Primal Morality

    Does the desert fox concern itself with moving to greener territory? It lives within its means. It lives within the balance, but also capable of change. The coyotes come down from the mountain in times of drought. They learn how to move through desert cities despite the strange patterns humans create. Change is a part of the…

  • The World is in You

    The World is in You

    How do we live to get in touch with the primal morality? Reverse thinking. Naturally, we would sense and feel and then create thoughts based on those experiences. We would put our sensory, and if you like social, contact first. Recognize that we have or can have a social or emotional bond with the world…