Category: Paradox

Paradox is vital. There is truth in paradox and it is what transcends us above duality and brings us to the third point.

“The most exquisite paradox… as soon as you give it all up, you can have it all. As long as you want power, you can’t have it. The minute you don’t want power, you’ll have more than you ever dreamed possible.” Ram Dass

  • Truth in Paradox

    Truth in Paradox

    What can be said about paradox? Literally everything. That is the essence of paradox. It is why seeking one truth, proclaiming there to be only one right path… Well, it just never really works. There have been atheists who are more altruistic than the more religious types. Very materialist types that espouse a spiritual paradigm…

  • The Attachments

    The Attachments

    What are the big attachments? Money is one and many find that no amount of money is enough. This is supposedly a good thing, but they make themselves miserable in the pursuit of money. Money isn’t evil but attachment to it is. The same is true of knowledge. Learning is a good thing, but there…

  • Spiritual Practice

    Spiritual Practice

    One paradox is that expectations are an interference with genuine practice, like meditation. One quote is, “A true practitioner has an absence of expectation and doubt.” Lama Dodjum Dorjee. So we have this paradox. We are attempting to do something difficult, bring some clarity to the overactive mind, but we need to have that intention…

  • Dogma


    In The Egyptian Book of the Dead, they speak of death as a journey. One of the signs on that path is a mirror. The path is a mirror. You grow in the way you are, not in the way you are told you are. Many dogmas stunt people, trap them. This is regrettable, but they…

  • Balance


    Balance, the middle way, we hope to list toward it. At times, it seems that we do not. Often because we fear we are wrong. Like fumbling for a needed object in the dark, we go too far one way or too far another and we think it’s all very hard. We really make it…

  • Church of Antiantiismism

    Church of Antiantiismism

    I live in America. A stronghold of religious weirdness, and quite feral about it. I hear India has cows. Poor people who break and deform their own bodies to get daily bread. We do it here also, just not for faith and with more refined methods. We should be proud of ourselves. Advanced self destruction.…