What is Scientism?
Scientism: The precept that science is the foundation of all knowledge and that all truth can be arrived at by empirical method. Does this seem presumptuous, even crazy? The scientific method is a relatively new fangled thing. To think it can have all the answers seems crazy? Well, let’s embrace a more critical mindset as…
Impact of Scientism
Is the sole purpose of most religions to explain the universe and crowd control? Hmm, yes, except for explaining the universe. Religion sets up a paradigm that supports the temporal authority of that institution whatever body politic. Religion as a primitive physics? Physics isn’t primitive? Why, to date, is cold fusion supposedly untenable? Why do we…
The God Bomb
Would humans behave better if they knew God was not there to intervene? No. Humans would make a God when they believe there is none. Used to be King makers, now we make Gods. Scientism prevents its own ideal of no hierarchy or equality among the masses. Many scientism supporters have spoken of founding a…