Always Contributing
There is no such thing as action and non action. The opposition there of, I mean. This is why non-action is such a good practice. When you step back from your acting, your words, or your agenda, like in meditation you can come to realize that nothing has actually stopped, and nothing actually does. People…
It’s Always Darkest Before The Dawn
Let’s face it, what is there to living your life, but living YOUR life? Anything you deny yourself is just something you denied yourself. We will not only fail to escape our inner natures, but we are unable to avoid the responses that arise from the essential self or spirit of other people. Nobody created…
Intention Is Always There
Does the world look like we intended it to? Perhaps describing my own apocalypse… Seen from a strictly autobiographical view, my life has not really ever gone as I intended it to. I have had one failure after another, and my list of substantial accomplishments is from my point of view non-existent. The more I…
Always Context Sensitive
Today we are talking about adaptation. First, a necessary adaptation in the form of a question. I have to establish common ground to pursue the talk on. What is adaptation? Changing to suit a new environment? Change or adjustment suitable to the circumstances. Novelty itself is not automatically necessary in identifying adaptation. All traits possessed…