Tag: casting

  • Styles of Spell Casting

    Styles of Spell Casting

    Styles of spell casting are like styles of art, really. In my belief, no one style is better than another. Like music, rap isn’t better or worse than pop music or country. But a style of spellcasting may be better or worse for you personally, and finding your spellcasting style is a realization of self.…

  • Finding Your Spell Casting Style

    Finding Your Spell Casting Style

    The styles of spell casting do divide into different domains, but these domains are psychological more than metaphysical. Human opinion more than universal reality. The two broadest perhaps being light workers versus night kind. These are not actually opposed, but people having strong opinions like they do, they created oppositions. There have always been those…

  • Spell Casting As Problem Solving

    Spell Casting As Problem Solving

    Now we will go into spellcasting as problem solving. I will just use one style. You can take your pick friends. Theurgy? Shamanism? Your favourite tradition? Necromancy? I often find that using a style that people consider negative often makes things very clear. Your pick. Necromancy. I will go with it. Even necromancy uses the…